Localism | LocalGov

NewGov: Think local Labour


Jonathan Owen, chief executive of the National Association of Local Councils (NALC), discusses what parish and town councils want from the new government.

Petition calls for creation of new town council


A petition calling for the creation of a new town council in Salford has been submitted to Salford City Council.

Local Authority of the Year revealed at The MJ Achievement Awards


Barnsley MBC has taken the coveted title of Local Authority of the Year at The MJ Achievement Awards this afternoon.

What the Covid inquiry can learn from local government


Richard Machin, lecturer in Social Work and Health at Nottingham Trent University, looks at what the Covid inquiry can learn from Nottingham City Council.

North Yorkshire Council green lights community partnerships


North Yorkshire Council yesterday gave the go-ahead for a series of community partnership pilots in an effort to ensure local voices are heard.

Poll reveals majority support full funding for local government


The vast majority of people support full funding for local authorities, a new report has revealed.

Councils spending £9bn a year more on local suppliers, research finds


Councils are spending 46% of their procurement budgets with local suppliers, new research has revealed.

First Big Local area distributes £1.15m grant


The first of 150 areas taking part in a long-term funding programme helping residents deliver community projects has distributed all of its £1.15m grant.

Communities should be empowered to tackle cost of living crisis


Over two thirds of people responding to a recent poll argue that more power should be given to local communities to tackle the cost of living crisis.

Councils chosen to pilot planning schemes


People living in deprived and urban areas will be encouraged to engage more with the planning system under new schemes being piloted by 11 councils.

I'm dreaming of a White (Paper) Christmas.


Tim Pope, local government expert at PA Consulting, explains what he hopes to see in the White Paper on levelling up

Campaigners call for new law to empower communities


Campaigners have called for a new Community Power Act to give communities a legal right to self-determination.

Calls for radical expansion of parish and town councils


Parish and town councils should be established in every neighbourhood to help places level up and revive local democracy, a think tank has said today.

Gazing up at the future of community power


Following on from a three-day event in March, New Local's Building Stronger Things looked at how to put the ideas of the community paradigm into practice locally. Ann McGauran reports.

New proposals to fix Britain's 'fraying social fabric'


Every local area should be represented by a parish or town council in order to rebuild ‘fraying’ communities after the pandemic, a think tank has argued today.

What do we want our high streets to look like next Christmas?


Vidhya Alakeson argues that community businesses provide a tremendous opportunity to create vibrant and resilient high streets and communities.

It’s time to reboot localism, says think tank


Local authorities should formally commit to including the neighbourhood in all decision making processes, says Centre for London.

Think tank calls for radical reform of children’s services


A radical new approach to children’s services is needed to avert the growing crisis, a think tank has warned today.

How South Tyneside became Co-operative Council of the Year


An unusual way of providing public services has proved successful in an area hit by unemployment and huge cuts in government funding, as Mark Whitehead found out.

The power of the community


Tony Armstrong writes about why and how we must commission public services locally, and the growing Keep it Local movement.

Alliance calls for voting reforms to fix 'failing' system


Political parties and civil society groups have signed the Good Systems Agreement calling for reforms to the UK's voting system.

Localism has led to ‘wide differences’ in fire service standards, inspectors warn


A 'decade of localism' has led to wide differences in standards of fire services, inspectors have warned.

Protecting public spaces


Local Government News finds out why local community organisations and councils must work together to save public spaces.

Councillors take final step towards creation of new Weymouth council


Weymouth and Portland Borough Council is one step closer towards setting up of a new town council for Weymouth.

New funding to get people more involved in local issues


Funding has been announced in 16 boroughs, town and cities across England to encourage more people to get involved in local issues.

Councils should ‘step back’ from service provision, think tank says


Local authorities should shift their focus away from direct service provision and focus more on enabling communities to ‘step up’, new study argues.

Government urged to simplify creation of new councils


The Government should make it easier for communities to set up new local councils in England, according to the National Association of Local Councils (NALC).

Government launches £23m neighbourhood plan


The Government yesterday launched a £23m fund to help local residents plan their own communities.

Local councils prepare to lobby MPs for extra powers


Town and parish councils are calling for new powers to be handed to them following Brexit in what they see as the next stage in local government devolution.

Councillors to be equipped with 'community organising' skills


A new partnership will soon equip councillors with ‘community organising’ skills to help them engage more effectively with their local communities.

Power in the country lanes


Mark Whitehead finds out why smaller councils are taking on bigger roles in terms of responsibilities and delivering services.

Lord Kerslake: Let's reignite the possibilities of localism


Localism is a marathon, not a sprint, writes Lord Kerslake. Quick fixes through legislation will not be enough.

Javid approves locally-led proposals to merge councils


Communities Secretary Sajid Javid yesterday announced he was ‘minded’ to support two locally-led proposals for merging district councils in Somerset and Suffolk.

Communities to share £1bn shale gas funding


A £1b fund has been announced for communities near fracking sites to pay for extra facilities including parks, sports centres and libraries.

Javid accuses top-tier authorities of not passing grant funding to local councils


Not enough cash from the support grant is going to local authorities because ‘too many top-tier councils’ are not following Government guidance, Javid says.

Launch of grass-roots project to tackle local inequality


Seven areas have been chosen to share £8m to create a network of new community businesses in their areas.

Councils must show how local change can offer solutions that Whitehall cannot


Local experiment offers a way out, argues Ipsos MORI's Ben Page, and in the current uncertain environment it is more needed than ever.

Redefining neighbourhoods: Beyond austerity


The Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE) and ITN Productions have launched a news and current affairs-style programme ‘Redefining neighbourhoods: Beyond austerity'.

Four countries to test-drive new e-participation tool


A new online tool to help reshape local politics and council spending decisions is being tested by four European countries.

Launch of councillor's guide to planning


A new guide has been launched to give local councillors tips on how to plan for their neighbourhoods.

Celebrating the best of council-run services


LocalGov and We Own It are partnering up to launch the Local Public Ownership Awards.

Care of the elderly should be a shared responsibility


Tony Pilkington calls on councils to develop new models of care in order to empower local communities.

Public service delivery should be ‘local by default’, argues community group


The current trend among councils of standardising services and outsourcing contracts to big national charities and multinational companies is ‘counterproductive’, campaigners warn.

Peers urged to support creation of new local councils


The House of Lords is being urged to support the creation of new local councils in England's city areas in order to strengthen local democracy and improve the take-up of neighbourhood planning.

Whitehall will tackle ‘injustice’ and build a ‘shared society’, PM says


The Government will take an active role in tackling ‘everyday injustices’ and building a ‘shared society’, says the prime minister.

New powers must be driven beyond town halls says new report


Devolution to local government will only be successful if power is driven beyond town halls and into local communities, a new report from the Co-operative Party has argued.

Croydon Council to pilot community decision-making scheme


Three local communities in south London are to be given more responsibility for services as part of a six-month pilot scheme launched by Croydon Council.

Report calls for £1bn fund to transfer public assets to communities


The Government should invest £1bn to help transfer public buildings and land into the hands of community groups.

Online community action toolkit launched


The Local Government Association (LGA) has launched an online toolkit to help councils involve their residents in the design and delivery of services.

Deprived communities missing out on Neighbourhood Plans says think tank


Poorer communities are missing out on a government scheme to improve neighbourhoods, according to new research published by a think tank.

Neighbourhood plans break the 200 mark


200 neighbourhood plans have now been approved following three referendums in Herefordshire.

Report highlights benefits of using community currency


A new report has revealed how the use of community currency - known as Time Credits - can help councils engage with and empower local communities.

Empowering communities builds ‘trust’ but not answer to austerity


In the face of ‘massive austerity’ devolving power to local communities can give them a sense of ‘pride’, but cannot solve fundamental problems, according to an LGA panel on devolution.

Councils should make it ‘simpler’ to establish cohousing communities, report says


Local government should make more land available cheaply for groups who want to set up cohousing communities, a report launched in the House of Commons today says.

The Green View: localism and devolution


With the Green Party failing to make headway in the recent local elections, William Eichler finds out why their growing membership is failing to translate into seats.

Councils gear up for Queen's birthday celebratations


Councils across the country are celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday in style today, with more than a thousand beacons being lit to mark the occasion.

Empowering local ambassadors


William Eichler meets up with the campaigners who are being empowered to take resident-led action to improve their local communities.

The strong foundations of community involvement


Tony Armstrong welcomes the new 'healthy towns' initiative but warns engaged communities should be at the heart of any plans

Map shows take-up of Community Rights programme


More than 3,000 buildings, green spaces and other assets have been protected under legislation designed to give people more say over developments in their areas, according to the Government.

Deptford bids to ‘get back its mojo’ with new parish council


A campaign has been launched to establish London’s second parish council under the Localism Act.

Funding secured for 87 new pocket parks


Community groups across the country will share £1.5m of funding to transform 87 neglected urban spaces into new ‘pocket parks’.

Corbyn vows to end era ‘of forced privatisation’


Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has pledged to give councils new powers and freedoms to end the ‘forced privatisation’ of public services.

Welsh council leaders publish radical manifesto calling for more localism


Council leaders in Wales have called on the Welsh Government to empower local authorities so that they can better protect local services.

Survey shows support for protection of parks


The majority of people (95%) think parks and play areas should be protected from future development, with half saying they would be less active if local green space was lost, according to a new survey.

Council considers 'Green Guarantee' to protect public spaces


Telford & Wrekin Council is considering protecting more than 100 green spaces from future development under its new Green Guarantee.

Two ‘Citizens’ Assemblies’ will explore future of local government


Two ‘Citizens’ Assemblies’ in Southampton and Sheffield will bring representative samples of the population together to discuss the future of local democracy, according to a statement from Democracy Matters.

100 communities vote to take control of local planning


One hundred communities across England have voted for the adoption of their Neighbourhood Plans, announced Locality.

Show failing public services a ‘red card’ says think tank


Councils should have the power to directly intervene in failing centralised public services, by issuing a ‘red’ or ‘yellow’ card, according to the findings of a new report.

Report highlights 'uncertain future' for BAME community assets


Government must help Black, Asian and minority ethnic organisations take over community buildings to ensure future generations benefit from them argues a new report by Ubele Initiative and Locality.

New parish council set for Sutton Coldfield


Plans to create a new town council in Sutton Coldfield have moved a step closer, following Birmingham City Council’s recommendation to set up a new parish council.

Councils urged to be more innovative to reduce service demand


Councils should encourage people to keep the streets clean rather than just relying on charges and fines to make up shortfalls in budgets, according to the findings of a new report.

Councils could be given power over Sunday trading rules


Local authorities could be given the power to extend Sunday opening hours in a bid to boost the local economy by £1.4bn a year.

Consultation launched on ward boundaries in Scotland


A consultation has begun on the number of councillors and electoral wards in Scotland by the Local Government Boundary Commission.

More local areas extend their Community Rights


A Government push to hand more power to local areas has now reached 250 communities across England.

Call for long-term funding to support community-led housing


More funding should be made available to communities that want to build their own housing, according to Locality.

Council introduces constitutional reforms


Kingston Council is set to introduce resident-led debates, live webcasting of council meetings and changes to council question time, as part of a wider programme of constitutional reforms.

Empowered communities urged to enter £10,000 prize fund


A nationwide competition has been launched today, offering £10,000 to organisations that help re-shape public services.

Town halls chiefs unite on devolution


Council chiefs from across the UK have joined forces to call for the next government to make devolution an ‘urgent’ priority.

‘People power’ could cut cost of public service says report


Councils have been urged to develop initiatives that encourage a more active contribution from the public, as a new report hails the benefits of public engagement.

Guildford considers hybrid model of governance


Guildford Council looks set to adopt a hybrid system of governance in a bid to improve transparency and accountability.

Importance of imparting information


‘Town hall Pravdas’? No. Information is the lifeblood of local government and constricting its flow will cause injury and even death, writes David Walker

Pub-goers value local inns like community centres, poll suggests


Pubs are just as important to local life as community centres or post offices, a poll suggests.

Public would support council tax increase to protect services, poll reveals


The majority of people believe local authorities or voluntary groups are best placed to deliver public services rather than profit making companies, according to a new poll.

Neighbourhoods urged to bid for planning funding


Neighbourhood planning groups are being encouraged to apply for a share of £22.5m to help decide the future development of their local areas.

Councils need 'reinventing' for the 21st century warns think tank


Local government needs a 'radical rethink' to examine 'what councils are for', according to a report from think tank MCA.

Hand communities more power over services and pubs, say MPs


Communities should be given more power to shape local services, save pubs from closure and build housing, MPs have said.

Government announces more protection for English pubs


The Government has announced it will take action to stop pubs in England being demolished or converted into different uses against the will of local people.

Whole Place Community Budgets


Paul Tombs argues that wiith increased power comes increased responsibility.

Big Society has ‘failed’ warns report


The Government’s Big Society has failed to deliver more power to local communities, according to a three-year investigation into the project.

Mayor blasts Pickles for ‘perverse’ planning decision


The mayor of Liverpool has called the decision of Eric Pickles to turn down the proposed regeneration of the Welsh Streets as ‘unacceptable, dishonourable and completely perverse’.

Councils spending millions to ‘prop up’ drinks industry


Councils are being forced to divert at least £1.5m a month from frontline services to ‘subsidise’ the drinks industry, town hall chiefs are warning.

Councils ‘overlooked’ on community energy policies


Local authorities are being left out of government discussions on community energy policy, academics are claiming.

Lewis launches plain speaking planning guide


A ‘plain English’ guide to the planning system has been published by the Government in a bid to get more communities involved in the planning process.

Give England’s councils same gambling powers as Scotland, says LGA


Powers over local gambling proposed for Scotland must now be devolved to councils in England as well, town hall chiefs have said.

Dorset leader quits ahead of trial


Dorset County Council’s leader has quit ahead of a trial over his alleged failure to declare interests in two property companies.

Dorset County Council leader to face trial


Dorset County Council’s leader is to stand trial after pleading not guilty to three charges of failing to declare interests in two housing companies.

Leaders of 119 councils demand devolution and end to austerity


The leaders of 119 councils in England have united to demand an end to austerity and greater power to match Scottish devolution commitments.

Report: London’s diversity makes neighbourhood plans ‘too difficult’


Legislation brought in to help communities influence planning decisions has had little impact in London because it does not fit with the capital’s diversity.

Dorset leader steps down to fight charges


The leader of Dorset County Council is facing charges of failing to disclose financial interests in a property company when he took office.

Community energy schemes receive £10m boost


A £10m fund has been launched to help communities across England set up their own renewable energy schemes.

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Circular highways is a necessity not an aspiration – and it’s within our grasp

Shell is helping power the journey towards a circular paving industry with Shell Bitumen LT R, a new product for roads that uses plastics destined for landfill as part of the additives to make the bitumen.

Support from Effective Energy Group for Local Authorities to Deliver £430m Sustainable Warmth Funded Energy Efficiency Projects

Effective Energy Group is now offering its support to the 40 Local Authorities who have received a share of the £430m to deliver their projects on the ground by surveying properties and installing measures.

Pay.UK – the next step in Bacs’ evolution

Dougie Belmore explains how one of the main interfaces between you and Bacs is about to change.