Reorganisation | LocalGov

North Yorkshire aims to build 500 council homes


North Yorkshire Council has published its first housing strategy, which includes an ambition to build 500 council homes over five years.

Cumberland working to reduce ‘escalating costs’


Cumberland Council says it is working hard to control ‘escalating costs’, but it is facing a potential overspend of £17.5m.

Manchester 'frustrated' at pace of devolution


Manchester’s leader has said there is ‘a long way to go’ to meet the city’s devolution ambitions.

New unitary councils set to launch


New unitary councils being launched this weekend are planning to improve and develop services for their communities.

Lincolnshire districts back unitary idea


A partnership of three district councils has backed the idea of becoming a unitary to help secure a Lincolnshire-wide devolution deal.

Drop national care plan, say Scottish councils


Council leaders in Scotland have called for their Government’s plans for a new national care service to be dropped.

Lincolnshire in mayoral devolution deal push


Lincolnshire’s upper-tier councils are to press for a devolution deal including an elected mayor.

Transformation stalled at unitary's planning service, peers find


‘Widespread dissatisfaction’ with enforcement has been uncovered by a peer review of a new unitary council’s planning service.

Structural change not a cure-all for children's services


Structural change alone is not enough to turn around children’s services, a new report has found.

Plans for new unitary council in Cumbria confirmed


The executive for the shadow authority for Cumberland Council have confirmed the implementation plan for the new local authority.

Cumbria drops legal challenge to reorganisation


Cumbria CC has decided to drop its legal challenge after losing its second High Court bid for a judicial review of local government reorganisation.

Cumbria council loses second bid to stop reorganisation


Cumbria CC is ‘considering its next steps’ after losing its second High Court bid for a judicial review of the decision to create two unitary authorities.

Cumbria continues legal battle against reorganisation


The county council is opposed to the Government’s decision to replace the county council and six district councils with two unitaries.

MP opposes 'undemocratic' council merger


The proposed merger of two district councils has been labelled ‘undemocratic’ by a local MP.

Leaked White Paper reveals reorganisation master plan


A leaked version of the Levelling Up White Paper has revealed plans to scrap two-tier local government in England.

County areas chase devo dream


County areas are lining up to strike one of the first tranche of devolution deals.

Jenrick announces unitary deals


North Yorkshire and Somerset County Councils have been given the go ahead to become single unitary councils, while Cumbria will be carved in two.

Commission calls for funding re-set for local government


Local government needs a ‘funding floor’, set at an agreed percentage of national income, a report on the future of the sector has said.

Lincolnshire districts join forces in new partnership


Three Lincolnshire district councils have announced they will form a new strategic partnership.

Navigating local government reorganisation - smoothing service integration


Steve White looks at how councils can best navigate the complex issues around local government reorganisation and IT.

Controversial Somerset poll backs district plan


A controversial poll on reorganisation in Somerset has come out in favour of a district-based proposal.

Devolution must focus on economy, says think-tank


Devolution needs to focus on rebuilding the economy rather than local government reorganisation, a think-tank has claimed.

Tear down devolution 'barriers,' APPG urges


Powers should be devolved to councils before reorganisation takes place, a new report has concluded.

Basildon and Thurrock consider merger


Council leaders are drawing up a memorandum of understanding including the option of forming a South West Essex Council.

Councils propose ‘super-district’


Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick DCs have revealed proposals to merge by 2024.

Combined authority expansion halted by ‘party politics’


The expansion of the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) has stalled after leaders failed to reach an agreement.

Reorganisation battle lines drawn over think-tank report


The bitter war of words between counties and districts over reorganisation stepped up this week as battle lines were drawn around a new think-tank report.

Three areas invited to submit unitary proposals


The Government has today invited councils in three areas to submit proposals for the creation of unitary local authorities by April 2023.

DCN: Bigger local government is ‘not better or cheaper’


Proposals for county unitary councils would be 122 times larger than the average council in Germany, a new report by the District Councils’ Network (DCN) warns today.

Countywide unitaries ‘could save £3bn’


Replacing two-tier counties with one unitary authority could deliver almost £3bn savings over five years, according to research published by the County Councils Network (CCN) today.

Three districts table Gloucestershire devolution proposals


Three of Gloucestershire’s district councils have proposed creating two unitary authorities in the county.

Ministers to receive Somerset unitary business case


A business case for a single Somerset unitary has been sent to communities secretary Robert Jenrick and local government minister Simon Clarke.

Reorganisation will deter potential councillors, report warns


Local government unitary reorganisation will slash the number of councillors and deter many from standing for election, a report for the District Councils’ Network (DCN) has warned.

Race for reorganisation gathers pace in Surrey and Somerset


The race towards reorganisation is gaining pace more plans emerging in Somerset and Surrey.

Javid urges reorganisation and devolution post-COVID


Council tax reform and local government reorganisation should both play a part in the post COVID economic recovery, former communities secretary Sajid Javid has said.

Reorganisation fears overshadow devolution talks


Concerns over local government reorganisation are marring devolution talks in the north-west.

Borough seeking unitary status sparks spending row


A row over council spending has broken out between a county council and a borough authority that is seeking unitary status.

Kettering to create town council


A new town council is to be created as part of local government reorganisation in Northamptonshire.

Northamptonshire unitaries to save £86m


Local government reorganisation in Northamptonshire will cost just over £40m, according to the early official estimates.

Reorganisation in Somerset would 'cut waste and save money'


A single, unitary authority for Somerset would deliver a predicted saving of £35-£47m, according to new research.

Northants reorganisation stalled amid election


Plans to reorganise cash-strapped Northamptonshire County Council have stalled amid the general election.

Call for leader to quit after 'repeated failures'


Shadow local government secretary Andrew Gwynne has called for Northamptonshire CC leader, Matt Golby, to quit after ‘repeated failures’ in the council’s children’s services.

Delay to Northamptonshire reorganisation welcomed


Council leaders have welcomed the year-long delay to plans to create two new unitaries in Northamptonshire.

Oxfordshire councils to extend joint working arrangements


Two councils are considering extending their working partnership in a move they hope will trigger a ‘broader conversation’ on local government organisation.

Corby calls for delay on Northants reorganisation


Corby BC has called for the creation of new unitary authorities to be pushed back, claiming there is not enough time to reorganise Northamptonshire’s public services.

2018 - the year things began to change


Geed up by a spirit of entrepreneurialism, councils up and down the land were busy exploring new ways to respond to their communities in 2018.

Nottinghamshire CC abandons reorganisation plan


Nottinghamshire County Council has decided to drop its reorganisation plans, which the leadership had hoped would save the authority millions each year.

Nottinghamshire considers unitary authority plans to save £27m per year


Nottinghamshire councillors will decide next week whether they wish to hold a consultation on plans to create a unitary authority to deliver savings.

Single unitary council for Bucks gets the go-ahead


Buckinghamshire’s five councils are to be scrapped in favour of a single county-wide unitary, communities secretary James Brokenshire has announced.

Dorset council merger could cost extra £400,000


Setting up one of two new unitary councils in Dorset could cost at least £400,000, councillors have been warned.

Two unitary plan for Northants


Two unitary councils could be created in Northamptonshire under proposals unveiled.

Christchurch agrees not to appeal Dorset reorganisation


Christchurch Borough Council has agreed not to continue its legal fight against local government reorganisation in Dorset.

Christchurch reorganisation challenge defeated


Christchurch BC may launch an appeal after a High Court judge today refused its challenge to local government reorganisation plans.

Council’s legal challenge to Dorset reorganisation to proceed to High Court


Christchurch Borough Council has been given permission to take its case against local government reorganisation in Dorset to the High Court.

Scrap all districts says Heseltine


District councils should be scrapped and 60 unitary counties created instead across England led by directly-elected mayors according to former Cabinet minister Lord Heseltine

Welsh reorganisation consultation deadline approaches


The Welsh Government today urged people to contribute to the debate over the green paper, which aims to create larger councils that it says would be stronger.

Parliament passes Dorset reorganisation plans


Dorset council leaders have welcomed Parliament’s decision to create two new unitary councils in the South Western county.

Northampton unitary plan falls


The tight timeframe for reorganising local government across Northamptonshire claimed its first victim this week despite ministers’ decision to extend the consultation period.

Brokenshire announces Northamptonshire commissioners


New local government secretary James Brokenshire has today announced the two commissioners appointed to help rescue troubled Northamptonshire CC.

Bucks residents back two unitaries


Two out of three Buckinghamshire residents support a two-unitary option for the county, according to a newly-published telephone survey.

Javid plans intervention into crisis-hit Northants


Local government secretary Sajid Javid has bowed to the inevitable and outlined plans for commissioners to run Northamptonshire CC amid concerns over the county’s sustainability.

Welsh Government in new push for larger councils


Local government in Wales is facing a radical overhaul, with ministers consulting on plans to create ‘larger, stronger councils’.

Javid backs single unitary council in Buckinghamshire


Local government secretary Sajid Javid has backed a single unitary council for Buckinghamshire.

Javid gives ‘green light’ to Dorset reorganisation


Sajid Javid yesterday gave the green light for Dorset to go ahead with its ‘historic’ plans to create two unitary councils.

Super councils get the go-ahead


Communities secretary Sajid Javid has given the go-ahead to create two new ‘super districts’ with the councils in Suffolk. 

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Circular highways is a necessity not an aspiration – and it’s within our grasp

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Support from Effective Energy Group for Local Authorities to Deliver £430m Sustainable Warmth Funded Energy Efficiency Projects

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