Right to Buy | LocalGov

Call for ‘Right to Pause’ on Right to Buy


Councils have called for the power to pause the Right to Buy (RTB) scheme when they are facing significant housing pressure.

Homelessness spending triples in eight years


The proportion of councils’ total housing budget spent on homelessness and temporary accommodation has tripled since 2015, new analysis has revealed.

Labour manifesto pledges Right to Buy curbs


Labour has opened the door to reining in Right to Buy in its manifesto, published today.

Nearly 190,000 social homes set to be lost by 2040


The controversial Right to Buy scheme is set to reduce the dwindling social housing stock by nearly 190,000 properties by 2040, new research has revealed.

Four in 10 council homes sold under right to buy owned by private landlords


More than four in 10 council homes sold under right to buy are now owned by private landlords, new research has revealed.

Re-elected Burnham calls for Right to Buy suspension powers


Greater Manchester’s re-elected mayor has called for powers to suspend Right to Buy on new homes under plans to build 10,000 houses across the region.

Fresh call for Right to Buy restrictions


Housing experts today called for fresh restrictions on the controversial Right to Buy policy – including a ban on applying it to new builds.

Right to Buy must reform, council bosses warn


The Right to Buy scheme is causing the significant loss of social housing and cannot continue in its current form, the Local Government Association has said today.

LGA poised to shift position on Right to Buy


Smith Square is poised to amend its position on Right to Buy, The MJ has learned.

Brum braced for Government intervention


Birmingham City Council is braced for a wide-ranging Government intervention to help rescue the authority’s bleak finances, and improve political and officer leadership.

Council chiefs call for new housing deals


New local housing deals should be given to every area in England by 2025 in order to spark a ‘generational step-change’ in council housebuilding, LGA says.

Councils to keep 100% of right to buy receipts


Local authority leaders have welcomed the Government’s decision to allow councils to keep 100% of their right to buy receipts for the next two years.

Social housing set to lose nearly 60,000 homes


Social housing in England will lose a further 57,000 homes by the end of the decade because of the Right to Buy scheme, according to new analysis.

London boroughs lose 23k homes to Right to Buy


The capital’s council housing stock has shrunk by almost 6% over the past decade due to homes sold under Right to Buy.

Right to Buy under threat due to discounts worth £6bn


Council leaders have warned that the billions of pounds that have been spent on Right to Buy discounts are threatening the future of the homeownership scheme.

Right to buy extended to housing association tenants


Council leaders have warned that any homes sold under the newly extended right to buy scheme must be replaced on a like for like basis.

New Bill to put beauty at the heart of planning, says Gove


The Queen’s Speech is set to include a new bill to revamp planning and kick start housebuilding, levelling up secretary Michael Gove has revealed.

Right to Buy policy has been a 'strategic failure' review warns


The Right to Buy policy in England has become a 'strategic failure' that has exacerbated inequalities in society, a damning review has found.

Right to Buy-back fund launched


London boroughs are to receive funding to purchase former council homes on the private market.

Councils to be given five years to spend Right to Buy receipts


Councils will be given five years to spend receipts from Right to Buy sales as part of an overhaul of the key housing policy, local government secretary Robert Jenrick has announced.

‘Golden opportunity’ to end rough sleeping


The Government has been urged to commit £100m to councils in a bid to end rough sleeping in England.

Councils call for more time to spend Right to Buy cash


Council leaders have called for more time to spend money from Right to Buy sales, as most housebuilding has been halted in the wake of coronavirus.

Council chiefs worry £5bn Right to Buy discounts ‘threaten’ scheme


Local authority leaders have warned that billions of pounds of centrally determined national discounts are threatening the future of Right to Buy (RtB).

Families forced into homelessness by ‘unaffordable’ housing


A charity has warned families are being pushed into homelessness as figures reveal nine in 10 homes are unaffordable to families relying on housing benefit.

Scotland sees a 15% increase in its housing supply


Scotland has seen an increase in its housing supply for the sixth year in a row, new figures reveal.

Council leaders call for Right to Buy reforms


Councils have urged the Government to reform the Right to Buy scheme in next month's Spending Round.

London boroughs urge Whitehall to ‘turbocharge’ council housebuilding


Local authorities in London have called on the Government to ‘turbocharge’ council housebuilding by lifting restrictions on the use of Right to Buy receipts.

Council chiefs call for devolution to rural communities after Brexit


Local authority leaders have called on the Government to devolve more powers to rural areas in the event that Britain leaves the European Union.

District councils building more homes thanks to scrapping of HRA borrowing cap


More homes are being built because of the Government lifting a cap on how much councils can spend, according to a new report.

Peers call for strategies to develop ‘under-performing’ rural areas


Local authorities should develop their own strategies for realising the ‘potential in struggling and under-performing’ rural areas, committee says.

Unjust enrichment?


Housing authorities should take care when relying upon valuations that will feed into section 125 notices, says Amy Rogers, of the disputes team at Cripps.

ALMOs unable to replace 31% of Right to Buy sales in 2018


Local authority housing companies were unable to replace 31% of properties sold under Right to Buy, a new survey has revealed.

Homeownership schemes failing ‘less well off’


The Government’s homeownership schemes are failing those on low and middle incomes, according to a provider of affordable rent to buy homes.

‘Suspend’ costly Right to Buy scheme, housing body says


Right to Buy is ‘reducing’ the number of affordable homes available at a time when homelessness is on the rise, warns Chartered Institute of Housing.

Right to Buy should be more ‘flexible’, think tank says


Social housing tenants should be given the option of using the value of their Right to Buy discount to purchase a different home, a think tank has argued.

Councils call for extension on time limit for all Right to Buy receipts


District councils have urged the Government to extend the time limit for spending Right to Buy receipts for both existing and future receipts.

Right to buy sales continue to outstrip replacements


Councils have only been able to replace around one in three homes sold under right to buy, new figures have revealed today.

Council to bid for up to £150m to build 1,000 new homes


Newham Council has announced plans to bid for up to £150m funding to build around 1,000 new council homes.

Brokenshire unveils £200m Right to Buy pilot


The Government has launched a £200m pilot scheme to boost social home ownership.

Ready and able to build more council homes


What role does a council have in tackling increasing private rental costs and low wages? Cllr Darren Rodwell is leader of Barking and Dagenham Council, explains.

Councils welcome possible reform of Right to Buy


Town hall chiefs have welcomed a new consultation into how they are allowed to spend the money raised from Right to Buy sales.

Councils only able to replace one in four homes sold under right to buy


Councils have only been able to replace 4,944 of the 11,465 homes sold under right to buy in 2017/18, new government figures have revealed.

Time to restructure Right to Buy?


Neil Merrick finds out why councils are struggling to replace only a fraction of the homes sold under Right to Buy, and explores how the housing policy could be improved.

Ability to replace Right to Buy homes almost ‘eliminated’, council chiefs warn


Local authority leaders have warned their ability to replace homes sold under Right to Buy (RTB) will be all but eliminated within five years without ‘major reform’.

Sadiq Khan announces plan to build 10,000 council houses


The mayor of London today announced a ‘modern comeback for council housing’ with plans to build 10,000 new homes over the next four years.

Government commitment to replace homes sold through Right to Buy ‘in tatters’


Whitehall has been blasted by the opposition as new figures reveal only one social home is being built for every three sold off under the Right to Buy scheme.

Only 4.3% of government housing subsidy spent on new homes


More than 95% of the government’s housing subsidy was spent on housing benefit and support for mortgage interest, new analysis has revealed.

Councils warn Right to Buy discounts have reached £3.5bn


Nearly £3.5bn in Right to Buy (RTB) discounts to council tenants over the past six years, new figures have revealed today.

More than 150,000 homes for social rent lost in five years


More than 150,000 of the most affordable rented homes have been lost across England in just five years, new research has revealed.

Top 100: Our most popular local government stories of 2017


From council pay to the Housing White Paper, here is a run-down of the 100 most popular stories on LocalGov during 2017.

More than 23,000 social homes were sold last year


The number of properties sold by local authorities under the Right to Buy scheme has increased by 10% in the past year, new figures have revealed.

Right to Buy will ‘grind to a halt’ without reforms, councils warn


Councils can only afford to replace a third of homes sold under Right to Buy putting the future of the scheme at risk, council leaders have warned today.

Right to Buy ‘devastating’ social housing stock, new figures reveal


Council homes are being sold off almost three times faster than local authorities can replace them, research reveals.

Affordable homes not being replaced under Right to Buy warn Lib Dems


Only one in five homes sold off under Right to Buy since 2012 have been replaced, Liberal Democrats have said today.

Wales considers abolishing Right to Buy


The Welsh government has introduced legislation aimed at abolishing Right to Buy in order to protect its stock of social housing from further reduction.

Welsh council looking to suspend Right to Buy policy


Right to Buy could be suspended in Cardiff for five years in a bid to protect the city’s social housing stock.

Give councils more freedom on housing decisions says think tank


Councils should be given the freedom to decide how and where new housing can be delivered, a think tank has argued.

Cardiff considers suspending Right to Buy


Right to Buy could be suspended in Cardiff, after the council outlined plans to protect its level of social housing stock.

Labour would scrap Right to Buy


A Labour government would reverse the pay-to-stay policy and suspend Right to Buy, according to shadow housing minister, Teresa Pearse.

More than 56,000 households buy homes under revived Right to Buy


Over 50,000 households have purchased a home in the last four years under the Government’s Right to Buy scheme, new figures show.

Councils call for urgent reform of Right to Buy rules


Councils have called for an overhaul of Right to Buy rules, after figures showed they are struggling to build new homes to replace those sold off.

London council launches alternative to Right to Buy


An innovative scheme launched by an east London council will enable tenants to buy a stake in their home while ensuring the local authority retains its housing stock.

New Right to Buy toolkit launched


Whitehall has launched an online toolkit to help with in the increase in demand for council tenants buying their own properties, as the Welsh Government announces plans to scrap Right to Buy for social housing.

Right to Buy extension to cost councils £26m a year


The average English council will need to pay £26m a year to fund the Government’s Right to Buy extension, housing charity warns.

Whitehall should be 'embarrassed' by PAC report


Whitehall should be ‘embarrassed’ by findings of a public accounts committee (PAC) report into the extension of right to buy, according to committee’s chair. 

Right to buy amendment causes concern over forced sale of housing stock


Councils could be forced to sell their housing stock by the secretary of state, after changes were made to the wording of the Housing and Planning Bill.

Construction must increase 'five-fold' to fulfil Right-to-Buy pledge, watchdog warns


The building of homes to replace those sold off under Right-to-Buy (RtB) needs to increase 'five-fold' to meet the Governments promise of one-for-one replacement, a spending watchdog warns.

Council looks to suspend Right to Buy


A Welsh council is looking to suspend its Right to Buy scheme for the next five years in order to protect its affordable housing stock.

Elderly hit hard by great British bungalow sell-off


Bungalows, which are mostly occupied by sick and disabled elderly tenants, are almost three times more likely to be sold off in order to fund Right to Buy, a new study reveals.

Rise in social housing tenants planning to buy home


More than half of local authority tenants who would like to get onto the property ladder intend to buy their current home, according to new figures published today.

Right to Buy discounts should be funded by Whitehall not councils, committee says


Right to Buy (RTB) discounts for housing association tenants should be funded by central Government rather than through a ‘levy’ on local authorities, according to a local government committee.

Council offers £40,000 cash in place of Right to Buy discount


A London council is offering housing tenants a £40,000 cash payment not to buy their council house in a bid to protect its housing stock.

Are Starter Homes a non-starter?


Mike Brogan warns that the government's Starter Homes policy could exacerbate the housing crisis.

80,000 council homes could be lost by 2020, warn town hall chiefs


Council leaders have warned that at least 80,000 social homes could be lost by the end of the decade.

Figures show 11,000 housing association tenants apply to buy home


Nearly 200 housing association tenants every day are registering their interest to buy their property though the extended Right to Buy scheme, according to official figures.

Pilot opens for right to buy extension


A pilot project offering housing association tenants a discount to buy their own home has begun in South Norfolk.

Spending Review: Osborne doubles housing budget


The country’s ‘biggest affordable house building programme since the 1970s’ has been unveiled in today’s spending review by the chancellor.

Council suspends Right to Buy scheme


A third Welsh council has opted to suspend the controversial Right to Buy scheme in a bid to cope with a shortage of social housing.

Right to Buy sales rise by 5%


Latest figures show local authorities sold more than 12,300 homes through the Right to Buy scheme in the last year.

Thousands of council homes at risk from right to buy


A new study by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) found that an estimated 7000 council houses a year could be lost when right-to-buy is extended to housing associations.

Healey accuses Government of doing a ‘back-room deal’ with housing associations


The shadow housing minister, John Healey, has accused the Government of doing a ‘back-room deal’ with housing associations in an attempt to extend right-to-buy to their tenants.

Government signs Right to Buy extension agreement


The Government has approved the voluntary deal put forward by housing associations to open up Right to Buy to 1.3m households.

Osborne outlines four-point infrastructure plan


The chancellor has announced a four-point plan that, he claims, will change the way vital infrastructure projects are planned, determined and funded.

Extending Right to Buy to housing association tenants will cost £6bn


Extending the Right to Buy scheme to housing association tenants will cost £6bn over the next four years, according to a new analysis.

Housing associations vote in favour of voluntary Right to Buy deal


The majority of housing associations have voted in favour of making a voluntary deal with Government on extending its Right to Buy policy.

Councils to 'reconsider' links with HAs over Right to Buy deal


Councils have urged housing associations not to make a deal with the Government over plans to extend Right to Buy.

Councils should have been consulted on Right to Buy agreement warn housing bodies


The National Federation of ALMOs (NFA) and the Association of Retained Council Housing (ARCH) have expressed their disappointment that the government did not consult them in relation to the voluntary agreement to extend the Right to Buy (RTB) to housing association tenants.

Housing chiefs offer voluntary Right to Buy deal


The Government may avoid having to use legislation to extend Right to Buy, after housing associations have put forward their own voluntary proposals for reforming the scheme.

Councils warned to be upfront about Right to Buy restrictions


A council has come under fire after it failed to inform two homeowners about restrictions affecting their ex-council properties.

Councils face ‘huge’ rise in Right to Buy scams


Right to Buy fraud has more than doubled across London in the past year, with boroughs detecting scams worth almost £26m.

Budget 2015: Osborne clamps down on high earners in social housing


High earners living in social housing will no longer be entitled to reduced rents, under plans announced in today’s Emergency Budget.

Cameron outlines new housing measures


The Government has confirmed it will be pushing ahead with plans to extend the controversial Right to Buy policy.

Mayor under pressure to probe Right to Buy impact on London


The mayor of London has been urged to investigate the implications of the Right to Buy extension by The London Assembly, who warn it will prevent councils from delivering affordable housing.

Housing chief blasts Right to Buy expansion as ‘dangerously bad’


The chief of UK housing associations has warned Right to Buy expansion is a ‘dangerously bad’ policy that would hamper national ambition.

Kerslake hits out at Right to Buy plans


The government’s extension of Right to Buy has been branded ‘wrong in principle and practice’ by the former head of the civil service.

Councils face selling off thousands of homes under Right to Buy


Three councils have predicted they will have to sell as many as 3,500 council homes in five years to fund planned Right to Buy extensions.

Queen's Speech 2015: Housing Bill outlined


Council chiefs have demanded a lead role in housebuilding and greater powers to help deliver the Government’s Housing Bill commitments outlined today.

Queen's Speech 2015: Devolution, Right to Buy and welfare reform


Proposals to ensure the devolution of cities and expand Right to Buy to social housing tenants were outlined in the first Conservative Queen’s Speech in nearly two decades today.

Clark vows Right to Buy expansion will ‘add to housing stock’


Communities secretary Greg Clark has vowed extensions to the Government’s Right to Buy scheme will not lower numbers of affordable housing.

Private landlords ‘abusing’ housing benefit says GMB


A list of the 20 private landlords who received the most housing benefit from councils in 2013/14 has been published by GMB.

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