Data | LocalGov

Pension funds told to report annually on pooling progress


Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) funds should report annually on progress against pooling and private equity investments, fresh guidance has said.

Councils pay £1m in data breach compensation


More than £1m has been paid out by 39 councils in compensation for data breaches in the past three years.

Dashboard compares healthy life expectancy across councils


A data tool to compare healthy life expectancy across all councils in England has been launched by The Health Foundation.

Oflog should consolidate financial results monthly, say accountants


The Office for Local Government (Oflog) should consolidate the financial results and position of local authorities on a monthly basis, accountants say.

Council bosses back data use to improve care


An increased use of data in children’s social care could improve outcomes and deliver much-needed savings, the County Councils Network (CCN) has said.

Home Office admits 'more we can and need to do'


More needs to be done to share data and improve communications with councils, Home Office mandarins have admitted.

LGA responds to councillor’s ceasefire email


The LGA has spoken out after a councillor threatened to name locally elected members who did not sign up to support a ceasefire in Israel and Gaza.

EXCLUSIVE: Oflog pushes ahead with early warning system


Senior Oflog officials are pressing ahead with their plans to create an early warning system for councils in trouble despite continuing LGA resistance.

Data Automation & AI Conference for Local Authorities


A free Local Authority conference being hosted by Data Analytics specialists, Destin Solutions, later this month promises to shine the spotlight on how ground-breaking data optimisation and artificial intelligence solutions represent the future of Council revenue generation and minimising loss.

EXCLUSIVE: Council warning over asylum communication


‘Limited’ Home Office communication over asylum – including poor data sharing - continues to stymie efforts to resolve accommodation problems, councils warn.

Concern over Bristol schools’ app use to monitor children


Campaign groups have accused Bristol schools who use an app to monitor pupils and their families of ‘intrusive monitoring’.

Millions missing from electoral register


An overhaul of data sharing with council elections teams is required, a report by the Electoral Commission has concluded.

Early intervention drive amid social housing repossessions


Councils with some of the highest relative rates of social landlord repossessions have described their early intervention efforts after new data was published.

Cyber-attack hit Electoral Commission


Information held by the Electoral Commission was accessed by 'hostile actors,' the watchdog has revealed.

How to support your local businesses more effectively to safeguard their future


Destin Solutions has worked with one local authority to help them get to grips with their local business landscape through the smarter use of data.

Hancock: Whitehall oversight of care was terrible


Whitehall oversight of adult social care before Covid-19 was ‘terrible’ and officials had no understanding of whether councils could cope, Matt Hancock admits.

Reducing carbon emissions with data


Subu Kamal, TRL Software, looks at how councils can work collectively to reduce carbon emissions with data.

Call for Government to share more data with councils


Councils are struggling to reach households hit by the cost of living crisis due to the Government’s failure to share its data with local authorities.

'Devastating implications' warning over data threat


A Government threat to suspend council access to DWP data will have ‘devastating implications’ if Whitehall follows through, an expert has warned.

Councils urged to improve knowledge and information management


Knowledge and information problems have led to vulnerabilities being missed and financial detriment for residents seeking housing help, says Ombudsman.

Calls for supported housing improvements


MPs and Whitehall’s spending watchdog have demanded improved regulation and data on supported housing amid evidence the system is blighted by rogue landlords.

Cyber attack led to data breach


Capita has admitted data was stolen during a Cyber attack that disrupted council services.

No extra social care funding for struggling councils


A minister said councils would receive further support if they were found to be in need of improvement under new Care Quality Commission (CQC) assessments.

Why this is the year councils look to business intelligence


Mark Cobb, CEO, Cantium Business Solutions argues that business intelligence can help local authorities transform service delivery.

Local government must look to new technology approaches in 2023


In the face of unprecedented budgetary and security pressures, local government needs to look for new ways to implement and manage solutions. Richard Hartill reports.

How can better use of data benefit public services?


Keren Pakes, general manager, The Bright Initiative by Bright Data, looks at the role of data in driving public service efficiency.

Protecting councils from phishing attacks


With 10,000 cyberattacks hitting UK councils every day, AJ Thompson, CCO at Northdoor plc, argues more needs to be done to protect public data.

Geospatial data guidance for councils published


New guidance has been published to help public sector organisations such as councils make more effective cases for investing in location data.

Citizen 4.0 - The future of local public services


Matt Culpin explains how local authorities can use big data to predict demand for public services.

Early intervention cuts trigger crisis interventions


Councils, young people and families are trapped in a ‘vicious cycle’ due to the halving of investment in early intervention over the last decade, the largest children’s charities have warned.

How councils can reduce their digital carbon footprint


Simon Wissink outlines how local authorities can align their digital sustainability credentials with existing physical sustainability philosophy.

Gove says new body will 'shine light' on sector failures and successes


Michael Gove has reaffirmed his plans to ‘shine a light’ on both the failures and successes of councils with a new Office for Local Government.

With risk comes reward


In a post-pandemic world, will local authorities be more willing to embrace future risk and accept the existence of unknown threats? Christopher Walker reports.

Going digital: putting the public first in public services


Nigel Blair explores the challenge of embracing digitalisation whilst keeping local authorities’ customer centric.

Conscious digital transformation in local government


Russell MacDonald explores the challenges affecting local government and their impact on transformation, cloud adoption and ultimately the experience of the citizens they support.

'The citizen experience hub'


Gary Bennett explores how personalisation can change local government contact centres.

How blockchain-inspired tech can spark societal change for the better


David Coleman explains how distributed ledger technology can improve how societies operate.

Getting to grips with HBAAI


Steven Rybaruk explains how intelligent case selection can lighten the load for councils.

Is 2022 finally the year of the CIO?


Max Jones details why he thinks 2022 will finally be the year of the CIO – and recommends five steps CIOs can take to make this prediction come true.

Councils to receive funding boost to improve cyber defences


Local authorities will receive £37.8m to boost their cyber resilience, the Government has announced today.

Moving beyond digital service delivery in local government


Ved Sen outlines how councils can harness data to improve lives.

Why councils need to embrace data driven communication and automation


Tom Shrive calls on councils to embrace new workflow and automation technology to save money and improve customer satisfaction.

Data and social care: how do we break down the barriers?


Mark Robinson, chief innovation officer at Imosphere, considers how data can be utilised to support social care providers, service users and commissioners.

Why we must embrace ‘messy’ public data to hit net zero


Or Lenchner explains how councils can harness 'messy' public data to help achieve net zero.

Social prescribing held back by data infrastructure, report finds


A lack of available data and solid data infrastructure is preventing social prescribing from reaching its full potential, a report has warned.

Local councils spent £21.2bn on adult social care in 20-21


Local councils spent £21.2bn on adult social care in 20-21, according to statistics published today by NHS Digital.

Think tank awards nearly £3m to improve family social policy


The Nuffield Foundation has awarded £2.8m to support an innovative collaboration between local authorities and universities to learn more about how data is used in child and family social policy.

Many councils ‘not compliant’ with data protection law


Only 12% of UK councils are compliant with GDPR when it comes to Article 5 principles relating to processing of personal data, a freedom of information request has revealed.

Why security should be top priority for the £2bn data procurement framework


The local government's acknowledgement of the importance of data should be tempered with caution about data security and regulation adherence argues AJ Thompson.

10 councils receive funding for data sharing projects


Vulnerable children and families will receive better support after a new fund was set up to improve how data is shared between local partners.

How can open data compliment community development?


Nathan Coyle outlines the mechanisms and tools to help councils to take citizen engagement on the issue seriously

Smart data can support local authorities in the rollout of electric vehicle charge points


Predictive analytics based on real-time data is crucial to enabling local governments to meet their climate targets, argues Geoff McGrath.

Social housing shortage blamed for rising bed and breakfast use


Rising numbers of people who are homeless are being placed in bed and breakfasts due to a severe shortage of social housing, council leaders have warned.

Report calls for better data on children’s well-being


This most vulnerable children are often missing from existing data making it difficult to deliver effective child policies, a new report has warned.

Embracing the opportunity of alternative data


Or Lenchner? examines how the National Data Strategy (NDS) could have a transformative impact on decision-making and policy development across local government.

Data sharing 'crucial' to how councils managed pandemic, study reveals


Data sharing was critical to how Scottish councils responded to the COVID-19 crisis, academics have revealed.

Cyber security in a post-pandemic world


Mark Scott outlines how councils can build a secure cyber strategy and secure data for the long term.

New £26m fund to help councils migrate to Local Land Charges Register


The Treasury has created a new £26m fund to help councils migrate their local land charges service to HM Land Registry.

Taking asset management from ‘worst first’ to data driven


Constrained local authority budgets and the skills gap are making highways asset management a major challenge. Steve Batchelor says advancements in risk-based artificial intelligence could be the key to saving time, money and lives.

Data transparency in local government: Where next after the pandemic?


With the vaccine rollout and light at the end of the COVID tunnel, can local authorities revert their data strategies to pre-pandemic days?

A third of councils experienced unplanned IT outages in past year


Nearly a third (32%) of councils experienced unplanned IT outages in the past year, according to new research.

Getting the data right: seamless data migration for councils


Tony Armitage outlines the most important elements for councils to consider when undertaking a data migration.

How better data management can help put councils back in the black


An-Chan Phung presents seven fundamental areas where local authorities are using better data management to drive savings and efficiencies.

Why data must unite UK Infrastructure Bank and Levelling Up Fund


Dr Nicola M Headlam explains why a data-led approach is absolutely vital for local government to avoid spending billions on white elephants.

London councils awarded £150,000 for digital projects


Two local authority digital projects in London aimed at making smarter use of data have been awarded £75,000 each.

Council chiefs call for ‘secure’ access to data to help COVID-19 response


Local authority leaders have emphasised the importance of ensuring councils have ‘regular, secure’ access to data to support their response to COVID-19.

Councils need funding to maintain data innovations, says report


Local government needs increased investment to ensure recent data-driven innovations are maintained, a new report has argued.

Lack of data affecting decision on local energy projects, councils warn


The majority of councils are struggling to access the data they need to make informed decisions around local energy projects, a new survey has revealed.

Government urged to adopt UPRN for residential properties


The Government has been urged to adopt the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) across the housing market to reduce fraud and protect tenants from rogue landlords.

How local government can increase the ROI of their data investments


Adam Mayer explains what local councils can do to drive better outcomes from their data.

Criminals publish stolen council data online


Data stolen from Hackney Council in a cyber attack last October has been published online by the criminals responsible.

Data sharing framework launched to encourage use of London car clubs


A new data sharing framework between London boroughs and car club operators has been launched to help accelerate the use of car clubs in the capital.

'Data desert' on vulnerable children and county lines, report warns


Local authorities and police forces are failing to identify the number of vulnerable children being exploited by criminal gangs, a new report has warned.

How local authorities can unlock the potential of data


Dan Thompson explores how local authorities can tap into the value of the data at their fingertips.

Research shows just over a tenth of councils have fully digitalised all citizen records


Only 11% of local authorities have fully digitalised all of their citizen records, new research has revealed.

Think-tank issues warning on Brexit readiness


Local authorities and the devolved nations risk being overwhelmed by Brexit as they are trying to deal with the COVID-19 crisis, a think tank has claimed.

Launch of £4m data project to transform Covid-19 research


A multi-million pound research project will give scientists better access to data to help develop potential therapies and treatment for COVID-19.

How will data improve public services for citizens in the future?


Paul Tomlinson explains how the public sector will build on its ability to be agile and responsive with digital solutions, breaking down silos, using data and building only on those platforms that enable flexibility.

Welsh councils spend ‘several millions of pounds’ extra on shared electronic record


The implementation and roll-out of a community care information system in Wales is taking much longer and proving costlier than expected, auditors say.

Majority of councils lack a defined data analytics strategy, survey shows


Less than a third of local authorities have a defined data analytics strategy despite the majority investing in data analytics platforms, new research has revealed.

Digital secretary announces £2.6m data sharing project


The Government today launched a National Data Strategy, which includes a new multi-million pound project to address barriers to data sharing.

Hancock announces plans to share more data


Health secretary Matt Hancock has announced plans to share more data with local government in a bid to help track and trace COVID-19 cases more effectively.

Councils in local virus data call


Councils have called for the Government to go further after it finally started to publish more coronavirus testing data.

Open access to UPRNs and USRNs set to unlock the power of place


GeoPlace advises organisations on how to maximise the opportunity that open access presents.

Contact tracing apps: Considerations for local authorities


Dr Nathaniel O'Grady outlines what four key points should be considered by local authorities before the roll-out of the tracing app begins.

North West mayors call for regional data on Covid-19 infection rates


Two mayors have called on the Government to publish a regional breakdown of the 'R' infection rate for coronavirus.

Councils call for access to data for effective contact tracing


Crucial data must be shared with councils in order for effective contact tracing to take place, the Local Government Association (LGA) has said.

CIPFA: 17 years to work through council housing waiting list


It could take up to 17 years to re-house individuals and families on the waiting list for council housing, data analysis by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) has revealed.

Collaboration works


Melanie Marchant explains how collaborative works save time and money and leads to a role on the Greater London Authority (GLA) Infrastructure team.

The balancing act: reducing emissions and improving transportation


Paul Moorby outlines how using Big Data to analyse real-time traffic information can help councils to refine traffic management policies whilst reducing carbon emissions.

Council leadership needs to have oversight of the entire AI system


Council leaders need to provide ‘proper accountability’ for AI technology and staff cannot take a ‘computer says no’ approach, according to the chair of the Committee on Standards in Public Life.

West Midlands and Google team up to tackle climate change


The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) has teamed up with Google to tackle the climate change emergency.

More places available at fighting fraud webinar


Due to popular demand, the number of places available at this free webinar have been extended. Find out the five best ways to use data better to fight fraud.

Supporting community members in vulnerable circumstances


Matthew Drage outlines how councils can ensure they best identify and communicate with the most vulnerable members of their communities.

Webinar: Five ways to use data better to fight fraud


Register for the HooYu LocalGov webinar to protect the public purse.

Guidance to help cash-strapped councils deliver policies published


New guidance cautions local authorities that have been hit hard by austerity against using untested programmes in disadvantaged areas.

Councils join pilot to find data-driven solutions to homelessness


Three local authorities in Scotland, Wales and England have agreed to join a pilot which aims to help them improve their use of evidence and data in order to tackle homelessness.

A vision for transparency


How can technology-enabled integration and data sharing deliver better outcomes for London’s young people? Dave Pether reports.

Named person scheme dropped


A mandatory named person scheme for every child in Scotland – underpinned by law – will not now happen, deputy first minister John Swinney has announced.

ICO launches consultation on its updated data sharing code of practice


The Information Commissioner’s Office is asking organisations to have their say on its updated data sharing code of practice.

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Partner Content

Circular highways is a necessity not an aspiration – and it’s within our grasp

Shell is helping power the journey towards a circular paving industry with Shell Bitumen LT R, a new product for roads that uses plastics destined for landfill as part of the additives to make the bitumen.

Support from Effective Energy Group for Local Authorities to Deliver £430m Sustainable Warmth Funded Energy Efficiency Projects

Effective Energy Group is now offering its support to the 40 Local Authorities who have received a share of the £430m to deliver their projects on the ground by surveying properties and installing measures.

Pay.UK – the next step in Bacs’ evolution

Dougie Belmore explains how one of the main interfaces between you and Bacs is about to change.