Think tank | LocalGov

NextGov: Devolutionary road


Jonathan Werran, the chief executive of think-tank Localis, discusses what the next government should do to extend devolution.

Think-tank calls for regeneration funding overhaul


Councils should be able to hold a regeneration account to more efficiently allocate capital for regeneration projects, a think-tank has argued.

Call for council tax overhaul


Work should begin now on the ‘long-overdue’ revaluation of all domestic properties in England to bolster local government finance, a think-tank has argued.

The new Centre for Young Lives


Anne Longfield CBE, the chair of the Commission on Young Lives, discusses the launch of the Centre for Young Lives this month.

Million more public transport commuters needed, think-tank says


The largest cities in Britain should aim to boost the number of public transport commuters by nearly one million to reduce congestion and pollution, a think-tank has said.

London faces ‘chronic’ street clutter issue


Central London has a ‘chronic’ issue with street clutter such as disused phone boxes and discarded e-bikes, a think tank has warned.

Childcare expansion has ‘little to offer’ poorest families


The free childcare expansion continues a trend of prioritising support for working parents rather than helping low-income families, financial experts warn.

Optimism about Greater Manchester’s economy ‘badly misplaced’


Greater Manchester should expand its city centre, improve connectivity, and build 126,000 more homes to boost its productivity, the Resolution Foundation says.

Calls to scrap council tax hike as consultation closes


Councils should have complete control over their local tax, thinktank Reform Scotland has said in response to plans to increase council tax across Scotland.

Level up seaside towns or lose power, Conservatives told


The Conservative Government must level up England’s struggling coastal communities or risk losing 113 seaside seats to Labour, a conservative think tank warns.

Calls for affordable homes funding in holiday hotspots


Councils need long-term funding and more planning powers to build affordable homes for local people being priced out of tourist areas, Localis has said.

Council tax rises to 10% of income in some areas


The council tax burden in some parts of the country has increased to over 10% of the average income, new research from the Taxpayers’ Alliance has revealed.

Approach to accommodating Afghan families ‘unacceptable’


The approach to finding accommodation for Afghan families has been ‘unacceptable’ and represents a failure to ‘live up to Britain's values’, says think tank.

Newly listed properties unaffordable to benefit recipients


The proportion of newly listed private rental properties on Zoopla affordable to recipients of housing support has dropped from 23% to 5%, according to IFS.

Think tank calls for expansion of ‘selective licencing’


London councils are being prevented from adopting schemes to improve conditions for people in private rented accommodation by regulations, researchers say.

North misses out on £21m of levelling up funding


Local authority areas in the North have missed out on £21m of funding from the Government’s flagship levelling up fund, a new study has revealed.

‘Red Wall’ areas score poorly on social fabric index


Local communities in areas won by the Conservatives from Labour in 2019 have continued to face decline despite the levelling up agenda, think tank finds.

Main cogs of council finance ‘out of synch’, think tank says


The ‘principal cogs of local government finance’ are out of synch, a leading think tank has warned.

Planning reforms needed to boost housing supply


The primary driver of low housing supply has been the planning system and uncertainty about the amount of land available for development, think tank says.

‘Inefficient’ planning costs UK millions of houses


The UK is missing over four million homes due to its ‘inefficient’ and ‘outdated’ planning laws, a think tank has calculated.

New blueprint to deliver affordable homes to 1.2m households


A new blueprint designed to deliver affordable homes to over a million households who are currently stuck on council waiting lists has been published.

‘Hidden’ unemployment rates reveal deepening divides


Nine out of 10 of the UK’s cities and towns with the highest hidden unemployment rates are in the North, new study reveals.

Think-tank calls for Local Resilience Act


A Local Resilience Act is needed to mitigate the impact of climate change and extreme weather conditions, think-tank has urged.

High mortgage rates threaten 400,000 people with poverty


An additional 400,000 people are set to be pulled into poverty by high mortgage rates, a think tank has warned.

Chancellor warned local services ‘on a cliff-edge’


Local authority leaders have urged the PM ahead of the upcoming autumn statement to ensure that councils have the funding necessary to protect services.

Toolkit to level up high street published


Local authorities will have to prove ‘adept’ in making use of the tools and resources at their disposal if high streets are going to survive, think tank says.

Local government ‘over-centralised’, think tanks say


Local government is over-centralised, inefficient, and under-resourced and is harming the UK economy, a new report says.

Outer London left behind in post-COVID recovery


Ethnically diverse local authority areas on the outskirts of London are being left behind in the post-pandemic recovery, think tank warns.

Slash ‘red tape’ to reduce childcare costs, think tank says


Government should reduce the amount of regulation governing childcare in order to reduce the economic impact of high childcare costs, think tank says.

Council staff on £100,000 increased during pandemic


Senior pay is decided in a ‘transparent way’, council chiefs say in response to report that the number of council staff receiving over £100,000 increased.

Severe school absence 'spreading like wildfire' report warns


Thousands more children have become severely absent from school since the pandemic, with nearly 800 schools missing entire classes of children a think tank has warned.

Calls for radical expansion of parish and town councils


Parish and town councils should be established in every neighbourhood to help places level up and revive local democracy, a think tank has said today.

Report calls for communities to be given more power over planning


Local people should have more decision-making powers over new developments in their neighbourhoods, a report for a think tank has argued.

Think tank calls for 'fairer' welfare system


The welfare system should reintroduce a clear link between contribution and reward, according to the results of a three-year research programme.

Councils ‘resistant’ to repurposing empty commercial space


A think tank has accused local authorities of being ‘resistant’ to measures that could see empty retail spaces repurposed for housing.

New index reveals most and least prosperous local authorities


A new index to track the Government's progress on its 'levelling up' agenda has been launched today by a think tank.

Report calls for thousands of new green jobs in areas worst hit by pandemic


More than 16,000 new green jobs could be created in areas with the greatest employment challenges with Government investment and raised ambition, according to new research by a think tank.

Social care reform depends on market overhaul


Social care reform will ‘fail’ without addressing weaknesses in the provider market, a think-tank has warned.

Think tank calls for reform of 'regressive' council tax in Scotland


Council tax in Scotland should be increased to the same levels as the rest of the UK, a think tank has argued today.

Public back more city devolution


More than eight in ten people support more devolution to England’s largest cities, a new poll has revealed.

Think tank calls for political action on community power


New legislation should be created to give communities more power over their places and services, a think tank has argued today.

Think tank calls for collaboration in face of ‘stark’ health inequalities


A think tank has called on health and care organisations across London to continue working together closely after the pandemic in order to tackle health inequalities across the capital.

Think tank calls for a ‘street votes’ approach in the suburbs


Local residents should be given the power to set their own local development rules at a street level, and share the wealth created by new housing, a think tank has proposed today.

Pandemic pushes 450,000 families into housing debt, says report


A further 450,000 families have fallen behind on their housing payments due to the impact of the pandemic, a think tank has warned today.

Think tank's launches levelling up Big Bang theory


The Government should launch a Northern Big Bang to ‘unleash a torrent of investment into the Northern economy’ says a report from a Conservative think-tank.

Councils face £1.3bn shortfall on council tax, says IFS


Councils face a £1.3bn shortfall in the council tax they were expecting for 2020-21, finance think tank the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has calculated.

Pandemic is 'levelling down' the South, report warns


The economic damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic will make it four times harder to level up the North and Midlands, a new study has revealed.

New proposals to fix Britain's 'fraying social fabric'


Every local area should be represented by a parish or town council in order to rebuild ‘fraying’ communities after the pandemic, a think tank has argued today.

Public health cuts biggest in North East


The Midlands and the North have suffered the biggest public health cuts in England, new analysis has revealed.

Think tank calls for £164bn stimulus in spending review


The UK’s economy needs a £164bn cash injection to restart it fully after the COVID-19 crisis, a think tank has said.

Think-tank issues warning on Brexit readiness


Local authorities and the devolved nations risk being overwhelmed by Brexit as they are trying to deal with the COVID-19 crisis, a think tank has claimed.

Government needs a plan to tackle public service backlog, says IfG


The Government needs a plan to address backlogs in public services caused by the coronavirus crisis, a new report has claimed.

Think tank proposes 10-point plan to reform business rates


The valuation of business rates should be devolved to local government, under proposals published by the Centre for Cities.

Think tank calls for a 'family stimulus' boost


A 'family stimulus' would help support hard-hit families through the pandemic, a new report has said.

Streamline local government under plans to save £30bn a year, think tank argues


Streamlining local government and selling off high-value council properties could save billions every year, according to a think tank.

Government 'likely' to miss full fibre broadband 2025 target


A Government promise to deliver full fibre broadband to every home by 2025 is likely to be missed unless ministers make radical changes to telecoms policy, think tank warns.

Levelling up agenda would add £242bn to economy each year, research finds


Successfully delivering on the levelling agenda would boost the economy by £242bn a year, new research has argued today.

Think tank calls for sweeping reforms to local taxes


A group of former Treasury special advisers have called for revaluation of the council tax and reform of  business rates to boost the economy post-COVID-19.

Youth unemployment to double this year, warns think tank


The number of unemployed young people could double this year without government intervention, a think tank has warned today.

Housing sector at risk of collapse due to Covid-19, think tank warns


At least 76,000 homes are at risk of not being built this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, a think tank has warned today.

Think tank warns of growing educational gap during lockdown


Children from better-off families are spending more time on educational activities than those from the poorest households, a think tank has found.

Debt collection needs reform, says think tank


Local government should follow the lead of the private sector when it comes to debt collection, the latest report from the Centre for Social Justice think tank has claimed.

Think tank argues social care should be 'free at point of use' after Covid-19


The Government has been urged to use the coronavirus crisis to undertake long term social care reform, in a new report by the Policy Exchange.

Think tank calls for benefit cap to be suspended to protect renters


Social housing tenants are the most likely to be affected by the current economic crisis, a new report has found today.

Councils in London urged to increase cost of residential parking permits


Councils in London are under-charging for residential on-street parking spaces, a think tank has found today.

Work alone cannot eliminate poverty, think tank says


Policy makers need to focus on further interventions to reduce poverty, think tank says as a new report warns that work alone cannot eliminate poverty.

One in 19 deaths in cities due to air pollution, think tank reveals


A think tank has urged councils to take urgent action to improve air quality in cities after research reveals that more than one in 19 deaths in urban areas is caused by pollution.

Think tank calls for levy to fund digital inclusion


A think tank has called for reform of the Banking Levy on banks and financial service providers to fund the delivery of digital inclusion schemes.

Think tank launches new strategy to tackle ‘poor health outcomes’


The King’s Fund has announced a new strategy which places a ‘stronger focus’ on improving health and care services for people who currently have the poorest health outcomes.

Universal Credit creating ‘a complex mix of winners and losers’


The impact Universal Credit is having on different parts of the country is being ‘ignored’ a think tank has warned today.

Think tank warns red tape is ‘strangling’ the high street


National planning guidelines and local plans are failing to revitalise the high street, a new report by a think tank has warned.

Major parties ‘fall short’ on social care funding commitments


None of the three major parties have pledged enough in social care funding to fix the ongoing crisis in care provision, a health think tank has concluded.

Party commitments on council funding ‘starkly’ different, think tank says


Money allocated to local government in the Conservative manifesto would not be enough to meet rising costs over the next parliament, think tank says.

No parties would reduce child poverty, warns think tank


None of the party manifestos would reduce levels of child poverty, new research from the Resolution Foundation has found.

Think tanks calls for public health funding to be linked to NHS budgets


Public health funding should be linked to increases in the NHS budget, a briefing published by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) suggests.

Rent caps needed to curb housing crisis, report says


A think tank has called for local leaders to have the power to cap rents in high-cost areas.

It’s time to reboot localism, says think tank


Local authorities should formally commit to including the neighbourhood in all decision making processes, says Centre for London.

Think tank reveals outsourcing’s ‘mixed’ record


Outsourcing services has delivered savings to citizens, although politicians have ‘consistently overstated’ the extent of these savings, think tank says.

Think tank calls for radical reform of children’s services


A radical new approach to children’s services is needed to avert the growing crisis, a think tank has warned today.

Think tank calls for councils to have powers over immigration post-Brexit


Councils should be given powers after Brexit to issue visas to foreign workers based on their assessment of local need, according to think tank Localis.

IDS think tank calls for raise in pension age to 75


The state pension age should be increased to 75 in order to boost the economy by £182bn, says a centre-right think tank which is close to the Government.

More children being cared for in failing council services, says think tank


Nearly 50,000 children are being cared for in areas where council services are failing, a think tank has warned today.

Education disadvantage gap has ‘stopped closing’, think tank reveals


Poorer pupils in the North are struggling to keep up with their peers, an education think tank reveals, as research shows the education disadvantage gap has stopped closing.

Integrating migrants could boost economy by £7bn, think tank says


A think tank has called for the setting up of ‘local integration funds’ to help migrants find jobs that match their skills as part of a series of proposals to improve integration.

Planning system 'fuelling' North-South divide, says think tank


The current planning system is increasing the North-South divide, according to a think tank.

Councils spend £74m on empty properties in two years


Local authorities have spent millions maintaining empty properties over the last couple of years, anti-tax campaigners have revealed.

Healing the divisions through local economic power


The nation is becoming increasingly divided, but a think tank report on Britain post-Brexit provides a positive vision for the future, says Mark Whitehead.

Think tank calls for creation of a British Investment Bank


An investment bank should be set up to 'kick start a productivity revolution' after Brexit, according to a local government think tank.

Think tank calls for ‘new relationship’ between employers and communities


A new relationship is needed between major employers and their local communities, according to a new report.

Think tank calls for ‘major rethink’ of electric vehicles roll out


The roll out of infrastructure for electric vehicles risks exacerbating the divide between rich and poor, creating ‘a tale of two cities’ in urban centres, a think tank has warned.

One in 10 deprived areas ‘food deserts’, think tank says


Nearly one in 10 deprived areas in England and Wales do not have easy access to healthy, affordable food products, new study shows.

Councils urged to offer staff low interest loans


Local authorities should offer staff low interest loans that could be paid back through their payroll system, according to a new report by ResPublica.

Universal Credit entering ‘most difficult phase’, think tank warns


The Government should speed up Universal Credit payments if it wants its flagship welfare reform to be successful, think tank says.

Social care system demonstrates ‘remarkable resilience’


Local social care services have demonstrated ‘remarkable resilience’ in the face of Government cut backs and demographic changes, think tank says.

Think tank publishes scorecard for local government financing


A new scorecard assessing the options of funding local government post 2020 has been published by a think tank.

Public 'willing' to pay more tax for certain services


Most people would be prepared to pay more in council tax or one-off voluntary levies to fund particular local services, a new poll has revealed today.

Whitehall cuts ‘undermining’ support services for vulnerable children


Government funding reductions have forced councils to cut back on early support services for vulnerable children, an education policy think tank has found.

Report scathing on public sector accountability


Britain’s system of public sector accountability is failing to keep up with the realities of modern government, a think-tank has warned.

Housing shortage condemns ‘millennials' to renting for life


A think tank has called for councils to receive more support to build affordable housing as report reveals a third of millennials face renting from ‘cradle to grave.’

Industrial strategy neglecting fortunes of ‘left-behind’ areas, think tank warns


The Government’s decision to focus its industrial strategy on the most advanced areas of England risks neglecting the economic fortunes of the bulk of the country, think tank warns.

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