Whitehall | LocalGov

Local government faces 2.4% spending cuts


Local government could face annual spending cuts averaging 2.4% by 2029, with services set to deteriorate as a result, a new report has warned.

Minister voices concern over districts' role in devolution


District councils should be handed a greater role in devolution talks, a minister has said.

'Too costly to answer our own questions'


Whitehall has claimed it would be too costly to answer the same questions councils have been asked ahead of tomorrow’s productivity plans deadline.

Call for ‘Right to Pause’ on Right to Buy


Councils have called for the power to pause the Right to Buy (RTB) scheme when they are facing significant housing pressure.

Lone asylum-seeking child arrivals to Kent up 87%


The number of unaccompanied asylum-seeking (UAS) children arriving in the UK along Kent’s shoreline has risen by 87%.

New MP to resign as council leader


Newly elected MP Vikki Slade will stand down as leader of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council.

East Sussex could face £55m funding gap


East Sussex County Council is already warning it could be left with a £55m deficit in its budget next year.

Poll reveals support for tax increases to boost public services


More than half of UK households support investment in public services even if it means they are taxed more, according to new analysis.

Housing directors association being explored by LGA


The Local Government Association (LGA) is exploring the creation of an association of housing directors.

NextGov: Devolutionary road


Jonathan Werran, the chief executive of think-tank Localis, discusses what the next government should do to extend devolution.

Service cuts likely, think-tank warns


Councils could be forced to cut back service provision if cost and demand pressures continue to grow, researchers have warned.

Labour plan to reduce delayed discharges


Labour is reportedly planning to buy thousands of beds in care homes in an effort to reduce the problem of delayed discharges in hospitals.

Questions raised over funding for housebuilding pledges


A think-tank has warned that a lack of cash for affordable housing will make political parties’ ambitious housebuilding targets difficult to achieve.

Councils and NHS row over Better Care Fund use


Some Integrated Care Boards are seeking to challenge the parts of the Better Care Fund earmarked for social care funding, LGA councillors have been told.

Norfolk opposes 184km pylon scheme


Councillors in Norfolk have objected to a National Grid proposal to construct an electricity transmission line across three counties.

EXCLUSIVE: Councils consider legal advice over waste guidance


Councils are considering seeking legal advice over statutory guidance that will tell local authorities to collect residual waste at least every two weeks, The MJ understands.

EXCLUSIVE: Full dispersal asylum targets still in draft


Ministers have not signed off the Government’s 2024 targets for identifying an extra 100,000 bedspaces for asylum seekers this year, The MJ can reveal.

IFS: Funding increases have not reversed austerity


Councils in England have outspent cash boosts in recent years, leaving core funding 18% lower per person than at the start of the 2010s, think-tank reveals.  

The flaws in ‘Clarkson’s clause’


Following Jeremy Clarkson-inspired legislative changes around planning permission in rural areas, Kerry Booth, Rural Services Network, shares her concerns.

‘Existential crisis’ for councils as £6bn funding gap revealed


A new Local Government White Paper has uncovered a £6.2bn funding gap facing councils in England over the next two years.

Judge: Kent cannot wriggle out of asylum duties


Kent CC has been told by a judge it cannot wriggle out of its duties to ‘accommodate and look after’ all unaccompanied asylum seeking (UAS) children.

Council staff 'live in fear of abuse, assault or worse'


Council staff and members often live ‘in fear of abuse, assault or worse,’ experts have warned.

Competitive bidding ‘not working for anyone’


The next government must end the ‘begging bowl culture’ of local growth funding, a think-tank has argued.

Hoare: We still want productivity plans


Local government minister Simon Hoare has insisted he still wants councils to draw up unpopular productivity plans despite the election, The MJ understands.

Council bosses call on next government to deliver ‘fundamental reform’


Local services could reach ‘breaking point’ if the next government fails to deliver long-term funding and ‘fundamental reform’, a cross-party group of council leaders has argued.

Ending asylum hotel use could put ‘unacceptable pressure’ on councils


MPs have raised concerns that the Government has not engaged effectively with councils about the impact of its asylum policies on local areas.

Government digs in over asylum housing target


Home Office has doubled down on council concerns over asylum targets and insisted Full Dispersal can ‘strike balance between equity and housing availability’.

EXCLUSIVE: Tower Hamlets Best Value Inspection extended


The Best Value Inspection (BVI) team at Tower Hamlets LBC has extended its work to include the council’s oversight of the General Election.

High Court dismisses Bibby Stockholm legal challenge


The High Court has dismissed a legal case challenging the Government’s controversial use of the Bibby Stockholm barge to house asylum seekers off the coast.

MacAlister: Not enough has changed on children's social care


The author of the Government’s independent review of children’s care has warned ‘not enough has changed’ since he proposed reforms two years ago.

EXCLUSIVE: Councils given 100,000 asylum housing target


Councils have been told to identify an extra 100,000 bedspaces for asylum seekers amid Home Office expectations of a surge in arrivals, The MJ can reveal.

Flood councils in urgent £11m cash call


Councils managing flood risks have urgently called for £11m cash to plug a ‘widening gap’ in Internal Drainage Board (IDB) funding.

Short-term lets plans could ‘worsen’ housing shortage


London boroughs have warned that government plans for regulating the short-term lets sector could worsen the capital’s housing crisis.

Auditors add to council biometric warnings


A spending watchdog has echoed councils’ concerns that biometric entry requirements at UK ports could lead to freight delays and gridlock on major roads.

Pension funds told to report annually on pooling progress


Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) funds should report annually on progress against pooling and private equity investments, fresh guidance has said.

Fresh local government cuts warning


Government commitments mean cuts will be made to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities without a higher overall spending envelope.

Mandatory reporting exemptions a 'fudge'


Ministers’ decision to exempt instances of child abuse from a new reporting law means they have dodged the mandatory duty demanded by a national inquiry.

Fresh Best Value Notice for South Cambs over four-day week


The Government has issued a new Best Value Notice to South Cambridgeshire DC due to ‘ongoing concerns’ about the authority’s four-day working week.

‘Bleak’ future for social housing without investment


Without extra funding, the future of England's social housing looks ‘bleak’, council bosses have warned.

Councils frustrated by Whitehall siloes, says chief


Whitehall’s siloed approach to city centre renewal has led to ‘frustration’ from councils, slowed down projects and increased costs, council chief warns.

Re-elected Burnham calls for Right to Buy suspension powers


Greater Manchester’s re-elected mayor has called for powers to suspend Right to Buy on new homes under plans to build 10,000 houses across the region.

Councils cut back housebuilding plans


New research has found that 15 local authorities have recently cut the number of homes they intend to build over the next decade by at least 10%.

Nationwide local government recruitment campaign planned


Ministers have agreed to fund the roll-out of a national publicity campaign promoting the attractions of working for local government.

Schools in disrepair due to funding ‘failure’, union warns


More than four-fifths of headteachers (83%) have said they do not have enough money to maintain their school buildings.

MPs sign off indefinite delay to no-fault evictions ban


The Renters (Reform) Bill, which now includes an indefinite delay to the long-awaited ban on ‘no-fault’ evictions, passed its third reading in the Commons yesterday.

Sunak's defence spending could hit council budgets, says IFS


The Prime Minister’s announcement of extra defence cash could hit public sector budgets further, according to the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS).

Gove open to giving mayors Whitehall voice


Local government secretary Michael Gove has not ruled out a ‘formal structure’ for mayors to work more closely with central government.

Blow to council hopes for cash boost


The prospect of extra cash for councils has faded further with the latest public finance figures showing the UK borrowed more than expected last month.

Social work development programme 'pulled' by Department for Education


A Government decision to end a training and development programme for social work managers has been branded a ‘kick in the teeth’ for the sector.

Clark: Tories and Labour unwilling to address SEND crisis


Labour and the Conservatives have been accused of an ‘unwillingness’ to confront the crisis in special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) services.

Government ignores sugar levy calls


The Government has ignored Local Government Association (LGA) calls for the sugar levy to be spent by councils to tackle physical inactivity.

Five million could be disenfranchised by voter ID, polling finds


Five million voters could be disenfranchised by the Government’s new voter ID rules at the General Election, first-of-its-kind polling has suggested.

Stop treating transport as a culture war, Government told


The Prime Minister’s rhetoric ‘fabricating’ a war on motorists has been ‘incredibly unhelpful’ and does not reflect public opinion, according to a think-tank.

Council charges for ‘fast-track’ planning service


Residents in Epsom and Ewell can pay to have planning applications decided faster as part of a new council service.

Council eyes cutting back rubbish collection


A council could reduce how often it picks up household rubbish that cannot be recycled or composted to once a month despite Government proposals.

Devolve NHS England's £168bn budget to local government, says report


NHS England’s £168bn budget should be handed to local government in a radical restructure, the Reform think-tank has suggested in a report today.

Hull and East Riding finalise devolution proposal


A devolution proposal for a Hull and East Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority is set to be submitted to the levelling up department.

Councils 'struggling' to tackle cohesion threats


Councils are struggling to tackle threats to social cohesion due to a lack of support from central government, according to a major new review.

Aslyum centre site could host prison


Braintree DC has warned it faces intervention from a second Government department when the Home Office ends its use of a former airfield as an asylum centre.

'Grave concerns' over phone switchover


UK mayors have expressed ‘grave concerns’ about the impact on vulnerable people of the planned phase out of the analogue phone system.

Call for reintroduction of housing targets


A cross-party coalition representing 27 mid-sized regional British cities has called for the next Government to reintroduce local housebuilding targets.

Hopes for regen scheme revived after Home Office scales back asylum plan


A £300m council-led regeneration scheme threatened when Whitehall commandeered the site for asylum accommodation could now go ahead.

LGA warning over XL Bully dogs ban


Councils face a double whammy of soaring costs and declining police support as they try to enforce a ban on XL Bully dogs.

Structures should be 'rationalised,' Hoare tells DCN


Council funding should have been reformed by now and structures need to be ‘rationalised’ the local government minister told the DCN conference.

Four-day week council decision 'disappointing and arrogant'


South Cambridgeshire DC’s decision to continue with its four-day week is ‘disappointing and arrogant,’ local government minister Simon Hoare has said.

Oflog should consolidate financial results monthly, say accountants


The Office for Local Government (Oflog) should consolidate the financial results and position of local authorities on a monthly basis, accountants say.

Middlesbrough avoids ‘catastrophic’ s114 with approved budget


Councillors in Middlesbrough have approved a budget with ‘savings and income generation plans’ worth £13.9m.

Right to Buy lobbying fails as temporary boost ended


The Treasury has confirmed councils will no longer keep 100% of Right to Buy (RTB) receipts after the current financial year despite lobbying by the sector.

Two-year Sandwell intervention to end


Local government minister Simon Hoare has today confirmed that Whitehall’s two-year intervention at Sandwell Council will end.

Gove urged to ‘listen’ to Cambridge on housing plans


Communities need ‘far more detail’ and to have their say on government plans for a major expansion of housing around Cambridge, local leaders have said.

Craig's call for asylum change


Manchester City Council’s leader has urged Whitehall to implement ‘simple changes’ to asylum policy to ease huge pressures on major urban centres.

Budget: Trailblazer devo deal for North East


The North East has secured a trailblazer devolution deal that could provide a package of new funding potentially worth more than £100m, chancellor Jeremy Hunt has announced in his Budget.

Lending rates could spike after audit reset, LGA warns


Proposals to reset the local audit system and clear the backlog of accounts could drive up the lending rates offered to the sector, councils have warned.

Bradford issued Best Value Notice


The Government has issued a Best Value Notice to City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council over concerns about its financial resilience and children’s services.

LGA 'strengthens' peer challenge but still won't name and shame resistant councils


The Local Government Association (LGA) has launched its ‘strengthened’ corporate peer challenge (CPC) to help neutralise the threat from Oflog.

Councils set for £2.5bn in exceptional financial support


The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has agreed to grant 19 local authorities ‘in principle’ capitalisation directions worth almost £2.5bn.

£220m boost for homelessness services


The Government has announced £220m for councils to prevent families from becoming homeless and provide support for people sleeping rough.

Home Office 'chaos' leaves thousands of illegal arrivals in 'perma-backlog'


The Government’s struggling asylum policy has heaped significant demand on cities’ housing services, experts have warned.

Councils should be given more flexibility over fund, says LGA


Councils should be given more flexibility over funding, a senior councillor has said in the aftermath of reallocated funding from HS2.

Regulator calls for 'substantial' planning intervention


The planning system requires ‘substantial intervention’ by the Government to ensure consistent delivery of new homes, a major study has concluded.

Thurrock boosted by £500m after sale


Thurrock Council has received £510m in payments following the sale of Toucan Energy Holdings – the firm that triggered a section 114 notice when it collapsed.

Birmingham 'worse' than commissioners feared


The situation in Birmingham City Council is worse than commissioners expected, a report to the secretary of state has claimed.

New analysis says housing building target needs to rise


England could need over 500,000 news homes every year according to analysis just released.

Government timetable could push councils to issue section 114s


Government’s timeline for implementing changes to tackle risky borrowing by some councils could end up pushing councils into S114 territory, treasurers warn.

Mapley to take over from Whiteman at CIPFA


Hertfordshire CC boss Owen Mapley will take over as Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) chief executive officer when Rob Whiteman retires, it has been announced.

LGA moves towards performance support role


The Local Government Association (LGA) is to take a more proactive role as it seeks to do more to prevent Whitehall intervention in councils, The MJ understands.

Further planning reforms on way, says Gove


Empty shops could be quickly converted into homes and developers given fresh incentives to build on brownfield sites under ministers’ latest plans to expedite housebuilding.

Local government figures made peers


Local government has been recognised in the latest round of peerages, with two senior figures heading to the House of Lords. 

Core Cities in Household Support Fund warning


Failing to extend the Household Support Fund will be ‘catastrophic for many people in our poorest communities,’ Core Cities has warned Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Health boost for Housing First residents, research finds


Housing First – under which homeless people are guaranteed a home while they access support – reduces demand on health and social care services, study finds.

Council financial crisis ‘out of control’


MPs have issued a stark warning on the ‘very real’ prospect of more councils in England ‘effectively going bust’ if the Government does not address a £4bn funding gap.

NILGA welcomes chance of return to Stormont rule


Local government in Northern Ireland has welcomed the news of a possible return to rule at Stormont.

Woking to sell development to county


A major deal between Woking BC, Surrey CC and McLaren is set to help ease the financial pressure on the troubled borough and pave the way to selling its HQ.

Social housing at low risk from 'rogue' equity investors


The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) has assured MPs the sector is at lower risk of ‘rogue’ equity investors that previously entered care markets.

Finance settlement ‘undermines levelling up’


The local government finance settlement failed to distribute funding fairly, council bosses have argued.

Southampton latest to request financial support


Southampton City Council has begun the ‘sensible’ process of seeking Exceptional Financial Support (EFS) as it struggles to balance its budgets.

Exempting asylum housing from Awaab's Law branded 'unacceptable'


Charities have described as ‘unacceptable’ plans to exempt asylum accommodation from ‘Awaab’s Law’ forcing social landlords to deal with poor-quality housing.

£17m to help rough sleepers for councils ‘most in need’


The Government has provided £17m to help homeless people off the streets as it insisted it would deliver its pledge to end rough sleeping this year.

Councils lobby for extra support ahead of final finance settlement


Councils have begun 2024 by urgently lobbying Whitehall over extra financial support amid widespread concern the provisional finance settlement falls far short of what’s needed.

Call to end £250m business rate loophole


A campaign to end a loophole which is estimated could cost councils a massive £250m in lost business rates revenue has been backed by senior politicians.

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