Carers | LocalGov

Millions of unpaid carers took on role due to lack of care options


Two-thirds of unpaid carers said they had no choice but to take on an unpaid caring role due to a lack of alternative care options, a new study has found.

The Carer’s Allowance scandal


Government has a choice, says Kirsty McHugh of Carers Trust: continue to rely on the unpaid labour of millions or take action to give a fairer deal to carers.

Unpaid carers forced to repay DWP over £250m


The Government requires unpaid carers to pay back more than £250m after thousands were unknowingly overpaid their allowance.

Years-old study into Carer’s Allowance to be published


Research into how unpaid carers are impacted when they are forced to repay benefit overpayments will be published ‘shortly’, a minister has pledged.

MPs call for Carer’s Allowance review


MPs have called for a review of Carer’s Allowance as new figures showed rising numbers of benefit overpayments going undetected, The Guardian has reported.

Adult social care receives £20m boost


The struggling adult social care system is set to benefit from a £20m boost, the Government announced today.

Keep carers in work to save £6bn, Government urged


The UK economy will lose billions this year because of unpaid carers who are unable to work, a think-tank has warned.

Social care career reforms ‘only scratch the surface’


The Government today announced new measures to improve the career prospects of social care staff but concerns remain that this ‘may only scratch the surface’.

Barriers to support impacting carers’ mental health


Unpaid carers are not receiving adequate support from statutory services and their mental health is suffering as a result, Carers UK has found.

Reports of exploitation in care sector surge


There has been a dramatic rise in the number of workers in the care sector contacting a national helpline for victims of modern slavery, charity reveals.

Social care should be top of manifestos, forum says


Adult social care reform should be prioritised on the agendas of all political parties, the National Care Forum (NCF) has said.

Brighton settles 10-year equal pay issue


Brighton and Hove City Council will adjust bank holiday pay for more than 800 staff in response to calls from Unison.

Providers set out ‘pragmatic’ social care plan


A plan for adult social care with recommendations for the next Government has been put forward by Care England.

Care sector ‘stifling’ the economy, report says


Properly funded social care would power growth and unlock jobs, according to a report published today.

‘Cinderella’ care sector staff facing poverty


Most care workers are earning less than the real Living Wage and left ‘struggling to survive’, the Trades Union Congress (TUC) has warned today.

‘Woefully out of date’ mileage rates costing workers thousands


Public sector staff are being left thousands of pounds out of pocket because ministers have failed to update national mileage rates, according to UNISON.

Care providers accused of breaching minimum wage laws


Unison has accused care staff employers of effectively breaching minimum wage laws by failing to pay workers when they travel between home visits.

Council chiefs call for pay ‘clarity’


Local authority leaders have called for ‘clarity’ on pay increases for staff working in non-NHS provided services will be fully funded.

Toolkit to help carers of disabled children launched


The Government has launched a new toolkit aimed at helping families access funds belonging to disabled young people.

UNISON launches action figures of ‘unsung heroes’


Public sector union UNISON has launched a range of council worker action figures to celebrate the ‘unsung heroes’ working on the frontlines.

Modern slavery concerns in care sector increase


The number of potential victims of modern slavery in the UK more than doubled last year, with a particularly sharp increase in the care sector, data reveal.

Nearly £19bn of benefits go unclaimed


The total amount of unclaimed income-related benefits and social tariffs is now £18.7bn a year, a new study has found.

Investing in support for unpaid carers – a win, win


Oliver Brown, head of product at Imosphere, discusses the importance of capturing the impact of unpaid care.

Parents reluctant to report missing children, report finds


Low trust and confidence in the Metropolitan police is making some parents and carers reluctant to report children missing, according to the London Assembly.

Care leaders warn social care system ‘run out of road’


Body representing social services directors has published ‘roadmap’ for fixing care and says there is a consensus on what needs to be done but a lack of will.

Only one in four unpaid carers receive direct council support


Only 8% of unpaid carers in England approached their local authority for help in 2021 and only a quarter of them received help, health think tank reveals.

Staff propped up care system during pandemic, study finds


Many care home staff worked overtime without extra pay to prop up the system during the pandemic, according to a new study.

Solving the social care recruitment crisis


Tinga Umera, managing director of Nexus Care Services, looks at the problem of recruiting and retaining carers.

Drop national care plan, say Scottish councils


Council leaders in Scotland have called for their Government’s plans for a new national care service to be dropped.

15 minutes not enough for dementia visits, ombudsman rules


Warrington Council has accepted ombudsman investigation that care workers repeatedly stayed for less than 15 minutes at the home of a patient with dementia.

Unpaid family carers facing ‘dire poverty’


Unpaid family carers are experiencing unprecedented financial hardship with many now forced to use food banks, new research reveals.

Charity warns of 'perfect storm' for carer breakdown


The health of unpaid carers and the people they support is deteriorating due to serious difficulties getting the NHS treatment they need, a new survey has revealed.

Kinship carers pushed to ‘brink of despair’


Council chiefs have called for more help for those who are caring for a relative as a survey reveals that eight in 10 kinship carers are not receiving support.

Homecare workers win mileage payment deal


Nottingham City Council homecare workers have reached a deal with the council which will see them receive an extra £135 a month for mileage.

13,000 unpaid carers not receiving support


There has been a drop of 13,000 in the number of unpaid carers receiving support from their council despite the Government pledging more help, think tank says.

Council chiefs warn of winter ‘twindemic’


Local authority leaders are urging people to get their flu and COVID vaccinations amid fears of a joint influenza and COVID-19 pandemic this winter.

Unpaid carers given free access to leisure centres


Unpaid carers in Devon are being given free access to leisure centres as part of a local authority-run pilot.

2.6m people have unmet care needs


Millions of people who are 50 and over are living with some form of unmet need for care in England, a coalition of charities has revealed.

Health secretary considers overseas recruitment drive to hire carers


The Government is considering launching an overseas recruitment drive to hire thousands of care home workers to support the struggling care sector this winter.

Think tank calls for ‘Nightingale shift’ to solve social care crisis


A think tank has called for an ‘elevation in the status of care work’ in order to fix the social care workforce crisis.

Staffing crisis causing ‘irreparable damage’ to care sector


NHS leaders have called for a care worker minimum wage of £10.50 an hour to prevent staff leaving the sector and causing long-term damage to the health system.

Only one third of carers ‘very satisfied’ with support


Only around one third of carers reported feeling very or extremely satisfied with support and services last year, a new survey has revealed.

Care home owners paid 13 times more than carers


The pay of executives at equity firms that own care homes is 13 times higher than the wages of the care home workers they employ, new research has revealed.

Inquiry hears of bullying and racism in social care sector


Lower-paid health and social care workers have experienced bullying, racism and harassment at work, an inquiry by Britain’s equality regulator has heard.

A Service Provider Perspective, Who Cares for the Carers, and the impact of the cost-of-living crisis


Teresa Jenning explains why carers need increased support to sustain their own health and wellbeing as they carry on trying to fulfil their challenging role.

Over 300,000 people living with undiagnosed dementia


Improving early diagnosis for the hundreds of thousands of people with dementia could lead to over £3bn in savings through lower carer costs, report says.

Adult social care workforce receives £500m boost


People working in adult social care in England are set to benefit from a £500m boost that will go towards improving the recruitment and retention of staff.

Over 30% of care jobs pay below living wage


Workers within the care sector in England are more likely to earn less than the real living wage compared to those in Scotland and Wales, research reveals.

Over 90% of unpaid carers feel ignored by Government


The vast majority of adult unpaid carers feel ignored by the Government, a new survey has revealed.

More children could care for sick parents under health reforms, charity warns


More children could end up caring for sick and disabled adults once they are discharged from hospital under the Government's health reforms, a charity has warned.

Unpaid carers being 'pushed into poverty', warns charity


Providing unpaid care is pushing thousands of families into poverty, with one in five worried they may not cope financially over the next 12 months, a charity has warned.

Union warns of mental health crisis in care sector


More than two-thirds of care workers (68%) have seen their mental health decline during the pandemic, according to the results of a new survey.

One in ten care workers 'trapped' on Universal Credit


One in ten care workers are in receipt of in-work benefits, analysis by GMB has revealed.

COVID-19 mortality rates twice as high in insecure jobs, TUC finds


Mortality rates during the pandemic are twice as high in insecure jobs than in other professions, a TUC analysis has revealed.

One in nine care workers not tested weekly


A government pledge to test all care home staff every seven days is not being met, according to a survey published today.

Social services directors report unprecedented demand for help


Directors of adult social services have reported a sharp rise in demand in the wake of the pandemic, according to a new survey.

Unpaid carers 'desperately worried' about further lockdowns, survey reveals


Unpaid carers are being pushed to 'breaking point' due to reduced services, a charity has warned today.

Carers added to list of occupations hit by migration restrictions


Senior care workers should be added to a list of occupations which will be able to employ migrants to make up for labour shortages once freedom of movement ends, an advisory committee says.

Informal childcare exempt from local lockdown rules


Councils have welcomed the announcement that informal childcare and other caring arrangements will be exempt from local lockdown restrictions.

Care workers to receive free PPE over winter


Care workers and the people receiving adult social care are going to be provided with free PPE, the health and social care secretary has confirmed.

Employers call for more support to keep unpaid carers in work


Two-thirds of employers have warned that a lack of support for unpaid carers is impacting their workforce, according to new research.

Immigration plans branded an 'embarrassing shambles'


The Government’s latest plans for post-Brexit immigration rules have been branded an ‘embarrassing shambles’ after they failed to include care workers.

Social care is running out of cash, experts warn


Social care could run out of money to deal with the fallout of the coronavirus crisis by the end of the summer unless the Government steps in with more cash.

Unpaid carers ‘pushed’ into using food banks


Unpaid carers are twice as likely as the general public to have relied on a food bank during the Covid-19 pandemic, according to charity.

Union urges Government to tackle Covid-19 pay deductions


The Government must tackle care worker Covid-19 pay deductions to stop hardship and control virus spread, says Unison.

Older carers ‘forgotten’ by care system says charity


Older carers have been ‘forgotten’ by authorities despite them bearing the brunt of the pandemic, a charity has warned today.

Unpaid carers face 'burnout' during Covid-19 crisis


Unpaid carers have warned they are feeling 'overwhelmed' after providing even more care during the coronavirus crisis.

‘Social care needs you’, retired care workers told


Council chiefs urge retired care workers to return to work in order to boost an over-stretched social care workforce in the face of the ongoing pandemic.

Carers of MS sufferers provide ‘35 hours or more’ of unpaid care a week


Family members and friends who are providing unpaid care to loved ones with multiple sclerosis are ‘not getting the support they need’, according to new research.

Unpaid young carers work ’25 hours a week’, charity says


Young carers spend on average 25 hours a week caring for loved ones – the equivalent of over £12,000 a year on a part-time carer’s wage, according to new research.

Two thirds of adults ‘unpaid carers’, study reveals


Two thirds of UK adults can expect to care unpaid for a loved one in their lifetime, according to research from the universities of Sheffield and Birmingham.

Lincolnshire health visitors to strike amid pay dispute with council


A number of health visitors in Lincolnshire started a month-long strike yesterday over what they describe as the council’s ‘divide and rule’ policy.

Councils helping fewer unpaid family carers


Fewer unpaid family carers are receiving support from their local council, new figures have revealed.

Majority of young carers suffer mental health issues, study shows


A new study has revealed that nearly two thirds of young carers in the UK suffer from mental health problems because of their caring duties.

Carers’ health ‘sacrificed’ to support cash-strapped care system


A charity has warned that cuts to spending on carers’ breaks are forcing hundreds of thousands of people to sacrifice their own health to prioritise care for loved ones.

Funding to train nurses should be expanded to public health workers, council chiefs say


Funding to train nurses should be expanded to cover public health workers including health visitors and school nurses, the Local Government Association says.

Council’s housing-with-care scheme saves NHS over £300,000 per year


Housing-with-care schemes in Southampton are responsible for saving the NHS £330,000 per year, the council says.

New guidance to help councils support unpaid carers


Health experts have issued guidance on how council staff and other professionals can help support unpaid carers.

Over 40% of emergency hospital admissions ‘avoidable'


Council chiefs have called for more resources to recruit care home staff after research shows four in 10 hospital admissions from care homes could be avoided.

Over half of unpaid carers ‘unable’ to save for retirement


Funding cuts are making it increasingly difficult to support unpaid carers, local government leaders have warned.

Carers increasingly ‘depressed’, survey reveals


Carers are feeling stressed and depressed working in what is an increasingly over-stretched and underfunded care system, a new survey has revealed.

Launch of £5m fund to support unpaid carers


A new pot of government money will help promote the health and wellbeing of people who look after others, according to minister for care Caroline Dinenage.

Care workers suffer from 6,000 violent attacks


Care workers suffered more than 6,000 violent attacks resulting in serious injuries during the last five years, shocking new figures have shown.

DWP pursues 80,000 carers for overpaid allowances


The Government is pursuing thousands of carers for repayment of overpaid care allowances despite not knowing the impact this will have, auditors say.

Carers win right to appeal in £400m sleep-in shift battle


The Supreme Court has granted carers the right to appeal in the ongoing sleep-in shift legal battle with a the mental health charity Mencap.

Whitehall launches social care recruitment drive


The Government has launched a new national recruitment campaign to help fill the 110,000 vacancies in the adult social care sector.

One in four ‘sandwich carers’ suffer mental health problems


Over a quarter of ‘sandwich carers’ report symptoms of mental ill-health and are struggling financially, according to the latest statistics.

Unpaid carers in Wales at ‘breaking point’


More support is needed for unpaid carers who are being 'pushed to breaking point', local government leaders in Wales have warned.

Councils call for £150m to fund carers’ assessments


A fifth of carers in England have not received an assessment in the past year, with nearly three-quarters suffering from mental ill health, council leaders have warned today.

Unison appeals against reversal of £400m sleep-in shift ruling


Unison has lodged an official appeal against the ruling that social care providers will no longer be required to pay £400m in backpay to carers doing sleep-in shifts.

Three quarters of young carers ‘lonely’ during summer, survey reveals


Over 70% of young carers feel lonely during the summer and lose an entire week of their holiday looking after a loved one, a survey has revealed.

Whistleblower loses ‘unfair dismissal’ case against council


Cheshire East Council has welcomed an employment tribunal decision which found a ‘whistleblower’ was not dismissed unfairly.

Unpaid family carers ‘propping up’ care system, report reveals


There are over seven and a half million people in the UK who provide unpaid care for a relative — one million more than in 2005, new study reveals.

Law simplifying safeguarding measures to save councils £200m


A new law designed to streamline the system which safeguards vulnerable people in care is set to save local authorities an estimated £200m a year.

‘Action plan’ to support unpaid carers launched


The Government has launched a £500,000 innovation fund as part of a new ‘action plan’ to improve support for unpaid carers.

Carers face benefit ‘cliff-edge’, MPs warn


MPs have called on the Government to remove the ‘cliff-edge’ in the benefit calculation that could see many carers lose their allowance.

Social care survey reveals a system ‘unfit for purpose’


A shocking new social care survey, which found a quarter of respondents were unable to maintain basics like washing, dressing, and visiting the toilet, has revealed a system ‘unfit for purpose’.

Sleep-in care crisis threatens 70% of the care sector


The viability of nearly 70% of the care sector is at risk from the unresolved sleep-in care crisis, a new survey has revealed.

Whitehall extends Universal Credit support to ‘kinship carers’


The Government has announced it would be extending support under Universal Credit to families looking after children who might otherwise be in the care of the local authority.

Neglect common in care homes due to staff ‘burnout’


The largest-ever survey of care home staff in England has found that neglectful behaviours are widespread due to staff ‘burnout’.

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