Flooding | LocalGov

Flood councils in urgent £11m cash call


Councils managing flood risks have urgently called for £11m cash to plug a ‘widening gap’ in Internal Drainage Board (IDB) funding.

Government advisers urge overhaul of infrastructure funding


Councils should be given more funding to play a greater role in developing infrastructure projects, according to Government advisers.

Councils must adapt to extreme weather threat


Cara Jenkinson, Cities Manager, Ashden discusses how local authorities can adapt to the threat of extreme weather.

Report warns of 'lethal' climate change risks


With London and the UK ‘underprepared’ for extreme weather and an absence of national leadership on climate, regional government must adapt at pace, a new report argues.

PAC: New housing continues to be built in high risk areas


More than half of councils rarely or never inspect a new housing development to check compliance with flood risk planning conditions, new PAC report says.

Preparing for future floods


After Storm Henk, APSE principal advisor Rob Bailey sets out some of the steps local authorities should take to improve flood preparedness.

Government launches Storm Henk flood fund


Local authority areas that have been hit by flooding in the wake of Storm Henk are now able to apply for financial support.

Notts residents warned of record Storm Henk floods


Nottinghamshire County Council has declared a major incident as Storm Henk causes near-record levels of flooding.

Only 5% of public feels ready for climate change


Most of the public feels unprepared for the effects of climate change following the extreme heat, flooding and storms of recent years, LGA poll reveals.

Road conditions add flood risk to pothole ‘crisis’


English councils received hundreds of compensation claims for flood damage in recent years as they struggled to maintain roadside drainage, according to study.

Gloucestershire to hold ‘urgent’ flood summit


Agencies are set to consider flood prevention plans for Gloucestershire after county councillors called for an ‘urgent’ meeting.

The River Thames Scheme: infrastructure to deliver a greener future


Carolyn McKenzie, director of Environment at Surrey County Council, discusses how the River Thames Scheme will respond to the challenges of climate change.

Council chiefs call for more climate change support


The Government must do more to help local areas adapt to climate change, councils in England have warned.

Decision to pull £50m flood scheme ‘disappointing’


The Government’s decision not to go ahead with a £50m flood prevention scheme has been described as ‘disappointing’ by council leaders.

First communities to receive extra flooding support announced


The first communities in England to receive better flood protection as part of the Government’s £100m Frequently Flooded Allowance have been announced.

Planning overhaul needed for climate change ‘resilience’, think tank says


Successfully adapting to climate change will need an overhaul of the planning system to create measurable local targets, according to researchers.

Councils urged to plan better for floods


Planning experts have called on local authorities to do more to embed climate resilience into new developments and local plans.

Somerset councils declare ‘major incident’ in response to floods


Local authorities across Somerset have joined the Environment Agency (EA) in declaring a major incident because of flood risk in the county.

Auditors warn of workforce shortages in flooding sector


Local areas in Wales are facing a shortage of workers with experience in dealing with the impact of floods, auditors say.

Is our housing equipped to deal with the increasing threat of floods?


Cat White, director, Planning at consultancy Turley, discusses the challenges for housebuilders and local authorities as climate-related flood risks increase.

600,000 properties face flooding risk


An estimated 600,000 properties face flooding in the near future without action to reduce urban runoff and improve drainage systems, research warns.

Flood plans should touch on surface risks, councils told


Local authorities must do more to prepare for flash flooding as official figures reveal tens of thousands of homes are built in at-risk areas.

Planning guidance updated to boost ‘flood resilience’


Changes to planning guidance will provide better flood protection for new homes, according to the Government.

It’s time to take climate adaptation seriously


It is no longer enough for councils to focus solely on net zero for their climate emergency plans, says Jo Wall. Adaptation should be key, embedded by whole-systems thinking.

New £100m fund to help communities hit repeatedly by flooding


Communities that have been repeatedly flooded over the past decade will benefit a new ring-fenced £100m fund.

Defra's £2.6bn flood protection scheme has protected over 314,000 homes


A £2.bn flood protection scheme has exceeded its original targets by 14,000 homes, the Government has announced.

London flash flooding review launched


An independent review examining the flash flooding that affected many parts of the capital in July 2021 has launched.

Over one million homes at risk of flooding


As many as 1.5 million households in the UK are at risk of flooding but are yet to take any action, the Environment Agency has said.

Gove warned of climate change floods risk


Local government secretary Michael Gove was today urged to align UK housing policy with climate change.

Councils must battle inaction after announcing a climate emergency


Gayle Monk outlines the key considerations councils must make to better address the situation.

Adaptation in danger of being ‘undercooked’ at COP26


The importance of adapting local communities to make them more resilient in the face of the climate emergency is not being taken seriously enough, the Environment Agency today warned.

Tighter planning rules to protect communities from flood risk


Councils should ensure all planning applications made in flood risk areas are referred to ministers for approval, under new guidance published today.

Calls to declare a climate and ecological emergency


A climate and ecological emergency should be declared to avoid a health and mental health 'catastrophe', the Royal College of Psychiatrists has warned today.

Local areas to receive £150m to trial flooding responses


Twenty-five areas across England have been selected to receive a share of a £150m fund to develop new flooding responses.

The future of rental in local government


LocalGov found out how the regional and local COVID-19 testing centres were able to be built in just 12 hours.

MPs call for review of local authority flood funding


The Government needs a better understanding on whether funding allocated to local authorities to prevent flooding is matching local risks, MPs have warned today.

Living in a climate emergency


Cllr Scott Patient outlines how Calderdale MBC is working with partners and communities to both reduce flood risk and cut the impacts of climate change – but help is needed, and the council is calling on the Government to unlock resources.

MPs accuse Government of lacking clear flood-resilience targets


Local authority leaders have welcomed a call from MPs urging the Government to provide councils with the resources they need to protect vulnerable communities from flooding.

The Bay – a pivot to purpose


Tim Pope and Sam Plum explain why local government reorganisation can be used as a catalyst for a new generation of councils that reflect their local economies and can lead the recovery.

Eight in ten councils hit by climate-related incidents


Eight in ten councils have suffered climate-related incidents in the last five years, new research has revealed.

Flood funding for councils may not be enough, watchdog finds


The Government is unable to prove councils have enough funding for flood defences, a spending watchdog has discovered.

Majority of councils lack expertise to deal with flood risk, survey reveals


Local authorities are facing a critical shortage of the expertise needed to plan for climate change, a new survey has found.

Calls to devolve £5.2bn flood defences funding


Councils have called for funding for flood defences to be devolved to local areas, after the Government announced its new long-term plan to tackle flooding in England.

Budget 2020: Flood-hit areas to share £200m defence fund


The money will go to 25 areas based on criteria including repeated flooding.

Former 'red wall' support devolution to tackle climate change


Three-quarters of former ‘red wall’ seats believe councils need extra funding and powers to deal with the climate emergency, a new survey has revealed.

Flood infrastructure funding increased by only £3m over decade


Central Government funding for existing flood infrastructure has only increased by £3m over the last decade, according to a new analysis.

Environment Agency chief executive calls for more flood resilience


A new ‘twin track’ approach focused on better flood protection and resilience is needed to deal with the climate emergency, the chief executive of the Environment Agency says.

70,000 homes ‘at risk’ of having no flood insurance


A think tank has warned that there are around 70,000 homes that are at risk of having no flood insurance because they are built in high-risk flooding zones.

Government announces financial support for flood-hit areas


The Government has announced councils in areas affected by recent flooding will receive grants to cover the cost of council tax and business rates reliefs.

Government activates emergency fund in the wake of Storm Dennis


Local government secretary Robert Jenrick today activated the Government’s emergency financial assistance scheme for areas affected by Storm Dennis.

Repairs begin on Brislington flood defence scheme


A £2m scheme to protect more than 100 properties in Bristol from flooding has begun.

From grey to green: The role of SuDS in Britain's green spaces


Ian Geeson describes why green spaces are a key element of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and the role they play in helping Britain to avoid flooding.

Council advises residents to ‘clean up safely’ after flash floods


Cornwall Council has urged residents affected by the flash flooding in the last 24 hours to clean up safely and keep evidence of flood damage.

Millions more to be affected by flooding as Greenland's ice melt faster than expected


More than 40 million people than expected will be affected by coastal flooding by 2100 a new study has revealed.

Future Forum North: Rotherham flood response hampered by scandal


The child abuse scandal in Rotherham continues to cast a long shadow over the work of the council - even affecting its work to tackle last month’s flooding.

£131m sea defences given the go-ahead


Permission for sea defences in Portsmouth has been granted in what has been described as an ‘important milestone’ for the city's flood protection measures.

Herefordshire councils reimbursed for flooding costs


Local authority areas in Herefordshire are to be reimbursed for costs incurred as a result of flooding.

A more holistic approach to tackling flood risk


The only way to mitigate against flooding effectively is to understand how the whole, complex system works – not by making rules one development at a time, as Nick Fraser explains.

Change law to enable volunteers to respond to disasters, Red Cross says


The British Red Cross is calling for the law to be changed so that voluntary groups are included in planning responses to emergencies and disasters.

Councils in flood-hit areas to receive £500 per affected house


Local authorities in areas that have experienced flooding will be given £500 for each affected house to help with recovery efforts under the recovery scheme.

Emergency Bellwin scheme activated in response to flooding


Councils will be able to apply to be reimbursed for costs incurred as part of their response to the heavy rainfall that has hit the regions in recent days.

Whitehall announces over £60m in flood defence funding


Environment Secretary Theresa Villiers has announced £62m of funding to help protect communities from floods.

Three projects secure funding to increase flood resilience


Three projects will receive up to £700,000 each to research and test ways to make homes more flood resilient.

UK needs £1bn a year to combat flood threat


A long-term strategy to ensure infrastructure is resilient to flooding and coastal change by 2050 has been unveiled today by the Environment Agency.

Whitehall launches consultation on local funding of flood defences


The Government today announced that it wishes to ‘begin a conversation’ on increasing local funding for flood and coastal erosion management.

A thirst for water management


Neill Robinson-Welsh explains how ‘smart’ non-potable water technology can simultaneously help mitigate flood and water stress.

Housing should be ‘more resilient’ to flood damage, architects say


The Government needs to help homes and communities become more resilient to flood damage rather than focus on keeping the water out, charity says.

Belfast appoints resilience commissioner


Belfast City Council has appointed a new commissioner to help the city prepare for any scenario that might prevent it from functioning properly.

District councils could be handed flood risk management responsibilities


Local communities could have more say in how rivers are managed after a consultation which aims to transfer ‘flood risk management activities’ to district councils.

Evidence supporting natural flood management published


The Environment Agency has for the first time published all of the evidence about the role of natural flood management in reducing flood risk in one place.

£30m flooding defence scheme announced


A Yorkshire council has welcomed the Government’s announcement of £30m of funding for a major flood defence scheme.

Nine tenths of England’s floodplains ‘no longer work properly’


A shocking 90% of the country’s floodplains are not fit for purpose, according to a new study.

Whitehall’s approach to sustainable drainage ‘sub-standand’, MPs warn


MPs have criticised the Government’s ‘sub-standard’ approach to sustainable drainage (SuDs) for failing to protect communities from flood risk.

Whitehall ‘missing opportunities’ to tackle ‘ineffective’ flood defences


MPs have accused the Government of ‘missing opportunities’ to act on an environment committee’s report warning of ‘ineffective’ flood management.

Lack of Whitehall policy preventing ‘natural' flood management methods


The lack of a clear government policy is holding up 'natural' methods of flood management, according to campaigners.

Here comes the rain – are you prepared?


Ian Carr outlines how councils can ensure they have an effective flood response plan in place.

Councils warn people to prepare for impact of flash flooding


Council leaders have issued advice on how to prepare for flash flooding, as Storm Angus continues to hit parts of the country.

MPs demand ‘overhaul’ of Environment Agency’s flood management role


MPs have demanded a complete ‘overhaul’ of the Environment Agency’s role in flood management—a move environmentalists have dubbed a ‘terrible idea’.

Councils reveal extent of flooding last winter


More than 15,000 homes and businesses in the north of England were hit by floods last winter, according to the latest survey.

Council accuses Government of not taking the risk of flooding 'seriously enough'


The Government has set aside £12.5m for new temporary flood defences in England after finding more than 500 key infrastructure sites were still vulnerable.

Council considers using parks as flood defences


Sheffield City Council is consulting on proposals to divert floodwater into parks and woodlands in the event of a severe storm.

Councils must ‘work together’ to tackle threat of flooding, environment agency urges


More than five million properties in England are at risk from flooding, according to the chief executive of the environment agency (EA).

Flash flooding disrupts final hours of EU referendum


Poor weather caused disruption in parts of the country as voters made their way to polling booths.

Local authorities warn of flash floods caused by global warming


Councils across the UK have launched awareness campaigns to highlight the devastating impact of flash floods.

Councils let down by flood protection funding


Local authorities are not receiving the necessary support to prepare for or mitigate the impacts of flooding, a new report has warned.

Councils call for new homes to be made flood-proof


Developers should be legally required to install anti-flood measures when building new homes, according to calls from town hall chiefs.

Residents should ‘watch their posteriors’ when nature calls, councillor warns


A councillor has warned residents of Cork to ‘watch their posteriors’ after a man was bitten by a rat while using his toilet.

Nothing ‘happening on the ground’ to protect against floods, says council leader


The leader of Leeds council criticised the Government yesterday for delays in taking the necessary steps to reduce the risk of flooding in the city.

Flooding cost 'still rising'


The cost of damage caused by floods over the winter has reached nearly £250m and is still rising, according to the latest figures.

Budget 2016: Funding boost for flood defences


Chancellor George Osborne has given a boost to infrastructure in today’s Budget with investment plans flood defences, energy, housing and major projects.

Winter floods see 30,000 tonnes of goods sent to landfill


Landfill tax paid as a result of the winter floods should be returned to councils so that they can invest in jobs and growth, local government leaders have demanded.

Managing the unmanageable


With flooding becoming more commonplace in Britain, local authorities need to be prepared for the worst. Andrew Jepp reports.

Councils could face claims over pumped floodwater damage


Local authorities have been warned to prepare for claims from farmers affected by pumped floodwater after a council in Yorkshire lost a test case.

Cameron pledges £40m to rebuild flood defences after Storm Eva


David Cameron yesterday promised a package of more than £40m to rebuild and improve flood efences in the aftermath of Storm Eva.

Flood affected communities exempt from paying council tax and business rates


Flood affected communities will not face council tax or business rate bills for the homes and businesses they have been displaced from, Greg Clark announced yesterday.

Councils to be fully-funded for clean-up costs in the wake of Storm Desmond


The areas that were most severely hit by last weekend’s storm will have 100% of their costs reimbursed, communities secretary Greg Clark has announced amid criticisms of cuts to flood defences.

Planning authorities must act to preserve the UK’s coastline


Only one in three coastal planning authorities in England have up-to-date policies in place to deal with rising sea levels and more frequent storms, the National Trust warns in a new report.

EE to send free flood warnings in Devon and Cornwall


Free flood warnings are to be sent to EE customers in Devon and Cornwall following a successful trial in Staffordshire earlier this year.

'Nibbling' away at urban surface water flooding


David Smoker makes the case for a cohesive SUDs retrofit programme.

Stemming the flow


Are local authorities truly geared up for the upcoming move to Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) approval as part of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)?

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