LGA | LocalGov

Landmark report finds SEND system ‘broken’


Major reforms introduced a decade ago have failed to improve educational outcomes for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), a report has found.

Minister voices concern over districts' role in devolution


District councils should be handed a greater role in devolution talks, a minister has said.

LGA launches framework for digital transformation


The Local Government Association (LGA) has launched a new framework to support councils as they digitalise.

LGA chair: Councils need to 'keep' up with new Government


The Local Government Association's new chair has emphasised the need for councils to show they can ‘keep up' with Labour's ambitious programme for Government.

Councillors celebrate General Election success


A string of high-profile figures from the local government sector are celebrating victory in the General Election.

Homelessness spending triples in eight years


The proportion of councils’ total housing budget spent on homelessness and temporary accommodation has tripled since 2015, new analysis has revealed.

All change


Cheshire West and Chester leader Louise Gittins has emerged as the frontrunner to be the next chair of the Local Government Association, The MJ understands.

‘Talk more’ about social care, party leaders told


Political parties must do more to acknowledge the value of adult social care in the run up to the General Election, sector leaders have argued.

Council told to tackle safeguarding backlog


A Local Government Association peer challenge urged Cumberland Council to take immediate action on a ‘significant’ safeguarding backlog.

Councils looking after record 576k children with SEND


Local authorities are looking after record numbers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), council chiefs warn.

‘Existential crisis’ for councils as £6bn funding gap revealed


A new Local Government White Paper has uncovered a £6.2bn funding gap facing councils in England over the next two years.

Growth at heart of LGA White Paper


The Local Government Association (LGA) has called for powers and funding so that councils can take a leading role in driving inclusive growth.

LGA axes conference due to election clash


The Local Government Association (LGA) has officially cancelled its annual conference after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called the General Election that clashed with the event.

LGA announces 2024/25 Sector Support programme


The Local Government Association (LGA) has announced the 2024/25 Sector Support programme to help councils ‘deliver critical services to communities.’

Northumberland has ‘further to go’


Northumberland CC has ‘further to go’ despite progress on its improvement journey, a report has found.

LGA moves towards performance support role


The Local Government Association (LGA) is to take a more proactive role as it seeks to do more to prevent Whitehall intervention in councils, The MJ understands.

Consultation on audit reset proposals launched


Proposals to reset the local audit system and clear the backlog of accounts have been officially unveiled.

Disposable vapes to be banned


Disposable vapes will be banned in the UK to protect children’s health, the Government announced today.

LGA calls for family hubs extension


Council bosses have called for an extension of the family hubs programme after the Government announced that all local authorities involved in the scheme offer access to a centre.

LGA appoints new chief exec


Surrey County Council boss Joanna Killian has been appointed as the new chief executive of the Local Government Association (LGA).

Call for greater drug use surveillance


Council chiefs have called for greater regulation and surveillance of the use of illegal drugs in response to what they have called ‘worrying new trends’.

Swindon’s finances on a ‘cliff edge’


Axing 80 jobs is one proposal among a raft of measures under consideration by Swindon Borough Council as it seeks to cover a £14m shortfall.

Dudley's sustainability 'in jeopardy'


Dudley MBC has set up an improvement board following stark warnings over its finances and governance.

Councils call for support after ‘stark’ climate change warnings


Local authority leaders have said they need support to prepare communities for climate change after a stark report described the impacts of changing temperatures on people’s health.

LGA poised to shift position on Right to Buy


Smith Square is poised to amend its position on Right to Buy, The MJ has learned.

One in five councils report bankruptcy fears


A poll of council leaders and chief executives has revealed that one in five think it likely that their chief finance officer will need to issue a Section 114.

Thousands of refugees face homelessness at Christmas, LGA warns


The Government’s push to clear the asylum backlog is putting ‘tens of thousands’ of refugees at risk of homelessness over Christmas, the Local Government Association (LGA) has warned.

Council reprimanded after suffering Cyber attack


Gloucester City Council has pledged lessons will be learnt following a reprimand from a data watchdog over a Cyber attack.

LGA seeks views on improvement framework


The LGA has called on those working in or with local government to provide feedback on how the improvement and assurance framework can be improved.

MPs launch inquiry into controversial watchdog


An inquiry looking at the remit of the controversial Office for Local Government (Oflog) was launched by MPs today.

Sector unites in plea to chancellor


The local government sector in England has put out a call to Jeremy Hunt to ‘address the significant financial challenges faced by councils’.

LGA responds to councillor’s ceasefire email


The LGA has spoken out after a councillor threatened to name locally elected members who did not sign up to support a ceasefire in Israel and Gaza.

Temporary accommodation costs mount to £1.74bn


English councils spent £1.74bn on temporary accommodation last year, research has found as more than 100 local authorities signed up to an ‘emergency’ housing summit.

LGA: involve councils in asylum hotel decisions


Councils want an active role in decisions about ending hotel use for asylum seekers, local government bosses have said.

Councils ‘held back’ on net zero


The organisations that represent English councils have collaborated in a call for the Government to change its approach on delivering net zero.

'Devolution hopes rest on combined authorities'


Combined authorities represent the greatest hope for devolution in England, according to a new report based on interviews with 95 former ministers and Whitehall mandarins.

Councils welcome waste reform flexibility but await details on costs


Councils were relieved not to lose all local discretion in the Government’s waste collection reforms but have said questions remain, including over funding.

EXCLUSIVE: Sector to plot solutions for 'broken' finance system


Local government is planning to collectively come up with some innovative ideas about how the ‘broken’ finance system could be improved, The MJ has been told.

Chiefs' new professional development framework launched


The first version of a new professional development framework to keep local government chief executives ‘ahead of the game’ has been launched.

LGA claims ‘so much more could have been done’ in pandemic


Councils were held back from effectively tackling the challenges of the pandemic by central Government, it has been claimed.

New programme to help councils with climate change goals


A sustainability programme has been launched by the Local Government Association (LGA) to help councils reach carbon reduction targets.

Council's ‘low-risk approach’ questioned


A council has been urged by Local Government Association (LGA) peers to take more risks to improve its financial outlook.

Lords block plans to scrap nutrient neutrality rules


The Government’s attempt to scrap nutrient neutrality rules has been defeated in the House of Lords.

'Clarity' promised on waste reforms


More certainty on the Government’s waste reform programme has been promised after mandarins were taken to task over delays.

LGA: Section 114s show system is 'broken'


The Local Government Association (LGA) will cite the number of section 114 notices issued by councils as evidence of a ‘broken’ system.

Councils press for more stringent air quality targets


Local authorities have dismissed claims air pollution targets cannot be met by 2030.

New NHS dentists not going to areas most in need


Council bosses have raised concerns that new dentists working for the NHS are not going to the areas that need them most.

Councils face £18m bill from new housing standards


Local authorities could be stuck with an £18m bill to implement new government housing standards, the Local Government Association (LGA) has warned.

Councils told to 'step up' on refugee housing


The Government has told councils to ‘step up’ efforts to provide permanent homes for Afghan refugees, having served legal notices to quit to those in hotels.

Minister: Oflog won't spot every council failure


In his speech to the LGA conference this week, levelling up secretary Michael Gove officially launched the Office for Local Government (Oflog).

LGA sets up tribute page for Lord Kerslake


The Local Government Association as set up a tribute page following the death of Lord Bob Kerslake. 

Gove: Trust councils on waste collection


Communities secretary Michael Gove has said the Government should not ‘dictate’ to councils on waste collections.

LGA: Social care must remain 'rooted’ at local level


Social care must remain 'rooted in local government' council leaders have warned, to make sure it is democratic and accountable.

Councils better placed to deliver welfare than DWP, leaders claim


Sector representatives were brought before the Work and Pensions Committee to hear their experiences of delivering the Household Support Fund.

‘Significant concerns' over regional care cooperatives


Regional care cooperatives (RCCs) will not resolve the issues around child care placements, councils have said.

LGA moves to tackle workforce crisis


The association’s executive advisory board heard that all of the LGA’s policy boards had highlighted ‘significant workforce capacity challenges’.

Minister mounts Oflog defence


Local government minister Lee Rowley told councillors to ‘judge us by what we do, not what you worry about’ as he defended the planned Oflog.

Number of homeless Ukrainian refugees mounts


Politicians have made a cross-party call to extend support for Ukrainian refugees to prevent them becoming homeless.

Councillors split on solution to workforce crisis


The LGA’s executive advisory board considered a survey that found more than nine in 10 councils were experiencing staff recruitment difficulties.

Local net zero push held back by Government, review finds


Local authorities’ efforts to achieve net zero are being held back, according to a Government-commissioned review.

Top awards for sector in King Charles III's Honours list


Local government figures from across the sector have been recognised in the first New Year's Honours list under King Charles III.

CQC delays new care inspections


The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has announced it is to delay the introduction of its new adult care assessments.

District concern in wake of finance settlement


Concern over funding for districts has been voiced following the announcement of the provisional local government finance settlement for 2023-24.

Transformation stalled at unitary's planning service, peers find


‘Widespread dissatisfaction’ with enforcement has been uncovered by a peer review of a new unitary council’s planning service.

Deaths caused by alcohol reach 'record high'


Council leaders have called for a 'concerted approach' to tackling alcohol dependency after figures showed the number of deaths caused by alcohol has hit a record high.

Councils could be forced to hike council tax by 20% over next two years


Council leaders are warning council tax must rise by 20% over the next two years in order to meet ‘spiralling’ financial costs.

Solace Summit: recruitment crisis laid bare


The scale of the recruitment crisis facing councils has been laid bare at the Solace Summit.

Majority of lead members call for delay to social care reforms


The majority of senior councillors are worried social care reforms will make council services worse rather than better, according to the results of a new survey.

Record-breaking year for Ombudsman


The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has directed more improvements to councils in the past year than ever before.

Councils call for overhaul of providing secure children’s homes


The number of children waiting for a place in a secure children’s home has doubled in the past year, new figures have shown today.

Councils bring forward bin collections to protect staff during heatwave


Councils across the country will be collecting bins, garden waste and recycling an hour earlier over the next two days to limit staff exposure to high temperatures.

Skills devolution to boost jobs market by one million


Devolution of skills funding could allow a million people to return to the jobs market, new research has found.

Structural change not a cure-all for children's services


Structural change alone is not enough to turn around children’s services, a new report has found.

UK to take in Ukrainian child refugees


The UK is to take in unaccompanied child refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine with hundreds already on their way to the UK.

Polluted rivers will stop 20,000 homes from being built every year, councils warn


More than seven percent of planned house building in England will be unable to go ahead due to river pollution levels, new analysis has revealed.

Councils warn illicit tobacco could undermine smoking cessation efforts


Council leaders have warned the cost of living crisis could cause more people to use cheap counterfeit tobacco, widening health disparities.

Councils to fund housing for homeless refugees


Local authorities will have to pick up the bill for accommodating homeless Ukrainian refugees from their own budgets, a minister has said.

Data issues hampering councils' refugee response


Councils are struggling to prepare for the arrival of refugees due to a lack of quality data, MPs have been told.

New commission launched to show value of cultural services


A new commission to promote the role of arts and culture in England's recovery from the pandemic has been launched by the Local Government Association (LGA).

Warnings over unmet care needs


Social care services could be put under further pressure due to unmet needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new research.

Councils urge households to arrange direct debits for paying council tax


Councils are urging residents to set up a direct debit to pay their council tax bill in order to get the £150 energy rebate payment as quickly as possible.

LGA: Youth services funding cut could have paid for 1,000 support workers


More than 1,000 youth and community support workers could be recruited using money removed from a flagship government fund for youth services, local authority leaders have said.

'Underfunded' adult social care reforms put services at risk, warn councils


The underfunding of social care reforms will put the quality and availability of services at risk, the Local Government Association (LGA) has warned.

Councils call for local outbreak funding as part of 'Living with COVID' strategy


Councils have warned they will be forced to stand down public health teams unless the Government extends local outbreak management funding.

Storm Eunice forces councils to close services


Councils across the UK have been forced to suspend public services, close schools and provide emergency help for rough sleepers due to Storm Eunice.

A third of bus services could be cut without emergency funding, experts warn


Councils have warned nearly a third of bus services will be axed unless emergency funding is extended beyond the end of March.

Social workers report 'surge' in children with mental health needs


The number of children being assessed by social workers as having a mental health need has increased by a quarter as a result of the pandemic, social workers have warned.

LGA launches T Level support programme


Up to 35 councils will benefit from a new support programme to help them create high quality T Level placements.

Council chiefs call for digital champions to help gigabit broadband roll-out


Local authority leaders have urged the Government to allow councils to create digital champions to help speed up the roll-out of gigabit-capable broadband in hard to reach areas.

Successful applicants of latest Housing Advisers Programme announced


The 30 successful applicants chosen to receive help to overcome housing challenges in their local areas have been announced.

Gove closes tax loophole on second homes


A loophole that allows second home owners to avoid paying council tax by falsely claiming their properties are holidays lets will be closed under new measures.

Councils warn funding will be needed to protect venues from terrorism attacks


Councils will need 'significant' funding to ensure public places are prepared and protected from terrorist attacks, the Local Government Association (LGA) has warned.

Fund planners to solve housing crisis - Lords


Peers have said council planning departments must be better resourced to prevent an ‘emerging crisis’.

Royal recognition for local government figures


Senior figures from the Local Government Association (LGA) have received awards in the Queen’s New Year Honours.

Councils call for extension to outbreak funding


Councils have urged the Government to extend its COVID-19 outbreak funding to support local contact tracing.

Social care White Paper ‘set up to fail’


The local government sector has praised the ambition of the long-awaited adult social care reform White Paper, but warned it will not succeed without funding to meet current demand.

Nine councils chosen for Digital Pathfinders Programme


Nine councils have been awarded funding to improve digital inclusion, connectivity and cyber security.

Council chiefs warn HGV driver shortage could hit gritting services


Local authority leaders have warned that the HGV driver shortage might hit gritting services this winter.

New tools maps employment and training schemes


A new online tool to help councils better understand employment and skills provision in their local areas has been launches.

Councils most trusted on climate change, poll reveals


Residents trust councils more than central government or world leaders to take action on climate change, a new poll has revealed.

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Recuriter: London Borough of Richmond upon Thames and London Borough of Wandsworth

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Circular highways is a necessity not an aspiration – and it’s within our grasp

Shell is helping power the journey towards a circular paving industry with Shell Bitumen LT R, a new product for roads that uses plastics destined for landfill as part of the additives to make the bitumen.

Support from Effective Energy Group for Local Authorities to Deliver £430m Sustainable Warmth Funded Energy Efficiency Projects

Effective Energy Group is now offering its support to the 40 Local Authorities who have received a share of the £430m to deliver their projects on the ground by surveying properties and installing measures.

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