Adult social care | LocalGov

Social care watchdog ‘not fit for purpose’


The Care Quality Commission (CQC), the body responsible for regulating adult social care services, is ‘not fit for purpose’, the health secretary says.

Care sector needs 540,000 workers by 2040


The care sector will need 540,000 additional social care posts by 2040 to cope with the aging population, care workforce body Skills for Care estimates.

Adult social care receives £20m boost


The struggling adult social care system is set to benefit from a £20m boost, the Government announced today.

Adult social care requests hit record high


The number of new requests for adult social care support have hit an unprecedented two million, a health and social care charity has revealed.

NCASC: Social care 'doing a good job' getting investment


Those working in adult social care are ‘already doing a very good job at getting investment and commitments to reform’, government minister Helen Whately says.

Nottingham issues section 114 notice


Cash-strapped Nottingham City Council has been forced to issue a section 114 notice after revealing it faces a significant in-year deficit.

Campaign to recruit carers launched


A campaign to recruit adult social care workers has been launched as part of the effort to tackle the social care workforce crisis.

County leaders call for tech solutions to social care issues


Digital technology is a crucial step in reforming adult social care, according to the County Councils Network.

Underfunding of social care to tip councils ‘over financial edge’


Senior councillors responsible for adult social care have warned that the Government’s adult social care charging reforms are ‘potentially hugely underfunded’.

Number of care homes falls by 10% since 2015


The number of care homes across England has fallen by 1,700 over the last six years, the Liberal Democrats have warned.

Social care white paper fails to tackle ‘central issue of funding’


Local authority leaders have called on the Government to ensure more of the new health and care levy is directed towards the social care system.

Many of the poorest pensioners will face 'catastrophic' care costs


Many of the poorest pensioners will pay the same for their care as richer people after the Government released more details of the new cap on home and care costs.

Directors warn people are waiting longer for care


Directors of adult care services have faced a spike in demand over the summer months, according to new figures published today.

Queen's Speech: No social care solution in sight


The Queen’s Speech has said proposals on social care reform will be brought forward – but it fell short of a commitment to legislation in this Parliament.

Queen's Speech: No funding pledge on social care reform


The Queen’s Speech fell short of including a Social Care Bill and there was no pledge on funding.

Social care should remain delivered by councils, says new report


Tens of thousands of people could live more independent lives if councils keep hold of social care under government plans to overhaul health services, a new report has insisted.

Welsh council takes over care home amid COVID-19 outbreak


A county council in Wales has taken over the management of a private care home that has been severely affected by COVID-19.

Care workers to receive free PPE over winter


Care workers and the people receiving adult social care are going to be provided with free PPE, the health and social care secretary has confirmed.

Government announces nearly £600m to help people return home from hospital


People needing care after being discharged from hospital will be supported by a £588m fund to cover social care or costs of care at home, Government says.

Hancock under pressure on anti-obesity plans following PHE closure


Health secretary Matt Hancock is under growing pressure today to say who will take responsibility for the national fight against obesity following his decision to close down Public Health England (PHE).

Care home on the brink of collapse


Care homes in the North East have issued a legal warning to North Tyneside council, claiming they could collapse within days without further funding.

Councils to receive share of £4.5m to roll out digital social care projects


Sixteen organisations that provide adult social care services are to receive a share of £4.5m to enable them to roll out digital projects on a wider scale.

Bed delays to hit 2.5m days since last election


More than 2.5m bed days will have been lost in the NHS due to a lack of social care since the last General Election, new analysis has concluded.

Care green paper delay causing 'instability'


The care regulator has accused the Government of aggravating the funding pressures in adult social care by stalling on the long-awaited care green paper.

Ombudsman criticises county for failing to complete agreed remedy


Staffordshire County Council has come under fire from the local government ombudsman for failing to carry out remedies agreed following an investigation.

One in three councils fear funding for legal duties will 'run out’


A third of councils fear they will run out of funding to provide statutory services, such as adult social care, by the end of this Parliament, survey reveals.

Council leaders welcome Panorama’s ‘powerful’ social care episode


Local authority leaders have welcomed a recent ‘powerful and emotive’ episode of Panorama that shone some light on the adult social care crisis.

Council funding system ‘unsustainable’, financial experts warn


Spending on local services has fallen over the last decade and the funding available to councils will become ‘inadequate’, according to financial experts.

Hancock pledges review of every patient in long term segregation or seclusion


Health secretary Matt Hancock today ordered a review of the care that patients in long term segregation or seclusion receive.

Cuts creating ‘care deserts’ across England, charity says


Years of underfunding has undermined the care market and created ‘care deserts’ in England, an elderly persons charity has warned.

Liverpool mayor calls for ‘fair funding formula’ for councils


The mayor of Liverpool has called for a Royal Commission to ensure a ‘fair funding formula’ for local council services.

Healthcare groups call for ‘long-term investment’ in adult social care


Council chiefs have backed up a call from 10 leading healthcare groups urging the Government to invest more in adult social care and public health services.

Stepping in to meet a need


In the face of continued pressure on local authority finances, Anna Dixon looks at how the voluntary sector are stepping in to meet the needs of older adults with care needs.

'Troubled services' costing £10bn to keep going by Government


The Government is spending billions keeping public services going but failing to deal with underlying problems, experts have warned.

Care cap would cost counties £330m a year, warns research


The government’s proposed cap on social care costs would cost county councils £330m a year if introduced, new research has warned.

Councils facing fines of up to £280,000 for delayed transfers sanctions


A new survey has revealed that 16 councils were fined for delayed transfers of care in 2016/17, a move branded as ‘frankly bizarre’ by the country’s most senior care director.

Future of adult social care is 'precarious’ warns report


The majority of adult social care services have been rated as good, but regulators have warned the future quality of services are ‘precarious’.

Social care needs extra funding to be ‘strong and sustainable’, providers say


The Government must fund the social care sector in order to place it on a ‘strong and sustainable’ footing, disability support providers say.

Care sector representatives call for ‘more engagement’ between STPs and providers


There needs to be much more engagement between STPs and the independent and voluntary adult social care sector, say representatives from the care sector.

Council to test how Amazon Echo can support older people


Hampshire County Council will become the first local authority to use new Amazon Echo technology to help older people live independently in their homes for longer.

Scottish care model not achieving ‘full potential’, auditors say


A new care model in Scotland is not ‘achieving its full potential’ despite £70m of investment from Holyrood, auditors say.

Government should scrap 'undeliverable' discharge targets warn counties


Councils have called for the Government to rethink a threat to strip them of promised cash if they fail to meet ‘undeliverable and arbitrary’ targets.

People should be at the centre of social care, health body says


Councils should help people to be more involved with their own day-to-day care, health body says as it releases new guidance for public consultation.

More than 70,000 care home places needed by 2025, warns study


An extra 71,000 care home places will be needed in England by 2025 in order to cope with an ageing population, new research has revealed.

Delayed transfers of care figures highlight funding pressures say directors


Social services directors have renewed calls for a 'long term sustainable solution' to providing care for adults after the latest record figures on delayed hospital discharges.

The risk of litigation


Richard Clayton QC and Lee Parkhill outline the legal implications facing councils due to the community care crisis

Critical insights on adult social care


Councils need to put more trust in both the people and the communities they serve, says Younifi’s Tony Pilkington.

Half of older people suffer ‘unmet’ care needs, report finds


Over half of older people with care needs have unmet - and often hidden - needs, shocking report reveals.

‘Unsustainable’ council fees threatens care system collapse


The care system is ‘fragile’ due to ‘inadequate and unsustainable’ fees from local authorities, independent care providers say.

Care workers warn the dignity of residents is being compromised by cuts


Severe staff shortages in residential care homes are denying elderly people the most basic levels of care, according to a survey of care workers.

Free taxi rides offered in London to help elderly cast their vote


People 65 or receiving social care are being offered a free taxi ride to polling stations in London until 10pm tonight.

Guilt and resentment ‘clouding’ decisions over care provision, research finds


Nearly half of adults who currently provide care for a family member say a main reason for doing so is guilt, research reveals.

What does local government want from the next Government?


William Eichler explores what local government organisations hope to see from the next Government.

Councils' approach to deferred payments could put social care plans at risk


The wide variation in the way councils use deferred payments for social care costs could put the Conservative’s new plans on ‘shaky foundations’, a former minister has warned.

Third of over 80s have ‘unmet’ care needs


Almost a third of over 80s are receiving inadequate care and support, warns charity as they call on the major political parties to put social care at the heart of their election manifestos.

Dementia care bill could take 125 years to save for, charity warns


The ‘astronomical’ costs of dementia care could take over one hundred years to save for, a mental health charity warns.

Social care funding crisis leaves 400,000 without care


The ‘alarming’ funding gap in social care has resulted in at least 400,000 fewer people in England receiving the care they need, health study reveals.

London’s cabbies to deliver medicine ‘on-demand’ to elderly patients


The capital’s trainee black cab drivers are to start delivering medicine ‘on-demand’ to elderly patients in an effort to cut down on avoidable hospital admissions.

Claims that precept will raise £1bn are disputed by local government sector


Government figures claiming councils can raise £1bn through the social care precept are massively inflated from the sector’s calculations, it has emerged.

Councils call for full control on how to spend social care funding


Councils should be given the freedom to decide how best to spend the £2bn social care funding, the Local Government Association (LGA) has said today.

Home care market on 'brink of collapse'


The adult social care market is ‘broken’ with services now bought at prices that are unsustainable, a damning report has warned.

Care firms cancelling council contracts due to lack of money


Care firms have ended contracts with 95 councils, warning they are unable to deliver services on the amount they are being paid, a new investigation has revealed.

Vulnerable people being 'failed' by deprivation of liberty law


Thousands of vulnerable people are being detained in care without sufficient checks, a new report has warned today.

Budget 2017: Hammond accused of doing 'bare minimum' to fund social care


Chancellor Philip Hammond has promised additional grant funding of £2bn over the next three years in an attempt to plug England’s social care budget gap.

MPs say chancellor should close social care funding gap up to 2020


The Government has been urged to bring forward £1.5bn from the Better Care Fund to close the funding gap in social care by MPs.

Analysis of STPs shows funding gap of at least £2bn in 2017/18


The £2bn funding shortfall for social care next year will put health reform plans at risk, according to health campaigners.

Number of adults with a learning disability needing social care will rise by 3% a year, warn councils


Council leaders have warned the number of adults with a learning disability needing social care is set to rise by 3% a year, putting further pressures on local authority finances.

Councils hit out at lack of new money in final settlement


Local government figures have expressed their disappointment at a lack of new council funding in the 2017/18 settlement.

Health service reforms ‘not credible’ without social care investment


Local plans to reform health services to secure the future of the NHS are ‘not credible’ unless cuts in social care and public health budgets are reversed, think tank says.

Finding the money for social care


While the government's answer to solving the social care crisis appears to be increasing council tax bills, will this money even make a dent in the expected overspend this year? William Eichler and Laura Sharman investigate.

Manchester announces first LGBT care scheme for elderly


Manchester City Council has announced its ambition to create a community aimed at older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.

Nearly 16,000 hours of care visits are not delivered every week finds research


Nearly 16,000 hours of social care commissioned by councils were not delivered in one week last year, according to a new investigation.

Social care system at risk of collapse warns report


One in eight older people are failing to get the care they need, showing the ‘imminent’ danger the social care system is in, a charity has warned today.

Crisis-hit social care system faces ‘total collapse’ post Brexit


Britain’s crisis-hit social care system could face ‘total collapse’ without adequate post-Brexit plan, says union.

Care of the elderly should be a shared responsibility


Tony Pilkington calls on councils to develop new models of care in order to empower local communities.

Survey shows at least a third of authorities planning 4.99% council tax increase


One in three of the biggest councils in England are planning to increase council tax by the maximum level allowed without holding a referendum, a new survey has revealed.

Surrey's cabinet approves 15% council tax hike


The proposal to increase council tax by 15% to fund adult social care has been unanimously backed by Surrey County Council’s cabinet.

‘Emergency’ £1bn needed to stabilise social care


The Government should provide councils with an ‘emergency’ £1bn as a short-term solution to the social care crisis, directors of social services say.

Are robots the key to solving social care crisis?


A new wave of culturally-aware robots could revolutionise care for elderly, under a new study launched by two universities.

Councils could face judicial review over Care Act


Councils may be unable to fulfil their legal obligations under the Care Act due to a chronic underfunding of social care, town hall chiefs have warned.

Councils warn council tax increase will not help social care crisis


The majority of councils (97%) said increasing council tax will make very little or no difference to the provision of social care in their area in a new survey.

Report calls for dementia-friendly care for people with a learning disability


People with learning disabilities - who are five times more likely than the general population to develop dementia - do not always have access to appropriate health and social care services, a new report has warned today.

County ends contract with care provider following service concerns


A number of social care services are to be brought back in-house by Buckinghamshire County Council after it ‘lost confidence’ in care provider.

County calls for national task force to ease social care crisis


The Government has been urged to set up a task force to tackle the adult social care crisis by West Sussex County Council.

New adult social care funding ‘spin not substance’


The Government’s funding increases for adult social care are ‘no-where near adequate’ and will not benefit the areas most in need, economists say.

Javid announces reforms to New Homes Bonus


Money from the New Homes Bonus will be diverted to upper-tier councils to fund adult social care, the Government has announced.

Council tax bills to rise 6% to fund social care services


Councils will be allowed to increase council tax by 6% over the next two years in order to fund social care services, communities secretary Sajid Javid confirmed today.

Councils reject 'misleading' claims they are to blame for social care crisis


Town hall chiefs have rejected claims that under-performing councils are partly to blame for the social care crisis.

Council finance chiefs warn demand for social care is putting other services at risk


Adult and children's social care are the areas hardest hit by pressure on council budgets, according to finance experts.

Ministers consider council tax rise to fund social care


Councils could be allowed to increase council tax above the current threshold to fund social care services, it has been reported today.

Council urged to accept Ombudsman's decision on care contribution


The Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) has urged a council to reconsider its refusal to fund a disabled man’s care.

‘How the hell are we going to pay for social care?’


William Eichler talks to chief executive of the LGiU, Jonathan Carr-West, to find out more about what the Autumn Statement didn't say.

Council leaders unite over social care crisis


The leaders of all four political groups at the Local Government Association (LGA) have called on the Government to take urgent action on social care.

Local government 'worried' about what wasn't in Autumn Statement


The chancellor has been blasted for what he failed to mention in yesterday’s Autumn Statement, including funding for social care and devolution beyond the major cities.

Autumn Statement: Councillors 'furious' at failure to address social care funding crisis


Local government has reacted with fury after the chancellor failed to address cross-sector calls to plug the soaring social care funding gap.

Privatisation is driving down care standards warns report


The quality of care and terms and conditions for the workforce have declined as a result of increased privatisation, according to a new report.

Councils struggling to meet demand for older people's care


Four out of five local authorities do not have enough care facilities to meet the needs of older people in their area, new research has warned today.

Third of homecare workers have no dementia training


One in three homecare workers have no dementia training and are leaving people in soiled clothes, surviving without hot meals and even missing vital medication, according to a health charity.

£2.4bn in unallocated business rates could 'ease social care crisis'


Councils should be given the £2.4bn in unallocated business rates to support social care services, a trade union has argued today.

Person-centred approach ‘pivotal’ for improving health outcomes


Person and community-centred approaches are ‘pivotal’ to improving health and wellbeing outcomes during financially restrained times, new report finds.

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