Those working in adult social care are ‘already doing a very good job at getting investment and commitments to reform’, according to government minister Helen Whately.
The minister for social care told a plenary session today at the National Children and Adults Conference in Bournemouth: ‘Whether it’s in last year’s Autumn Statement - when funding at the was £7.5bn and is now up to £8bn available to adult care to invest in the sector - or our big reform programme….those are really substantial investments in the sector.’
She added: ‘I know ministers in other departments look at me and the quantum of money that’s going into the system. We have fought the corner really well for social care so far. That said, I’m under no illusions that the job is done. There’s more to do.’
The minister was responding to a question from president of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) Beverley Tarka, who asked how her members could support her to press the case for reform and longer-term investment. Ms Tarka said: ‘We absolutely thank you for the additional investment and policy developments you’ve achieved for adult social care in recent months.
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