Homelessness | LocalGov

Homelessness pressures 'unsustainable'


Councils face ‘unsustainable financial pressure' due to record levels of homelessness, according to a public spending watchdog.

How to tackle London’s housing crisis


Piali Das Gupta, London Councils’ Strategy Director – London’s Future, looks at what the new government should do to solve the capital’s housing shortage.

Homelessness spending triples in eight years


The proportion of councils’ total housing budget spent on homelessness and temporary accommodation has tripled since 2015, new analysis has revealed.

Rough sleeping in London hits new record high


The final year of a Conservative government that pledged to end rough sleeping saw a record number of people sleeping on the streets of London.

Party leaders urged to act on migrant homelessness


More than 100 homelessness and migrants’ rights organisations have called on the next government to stop the asylum system ‘driving people needlessly’ into destitution.

North Yorkshire Council to invest £11.6m in temporary accommodation


North Yorkshire Council is set to build 90 new temporary accommodation units at a cost of £11.6m.

Build 90,000 social homes per year, party leaders told


Charities and housing bodies have urged the major parties to commit to building 90,000 social homes per year over the next decade.

Cash-strapped Slough BC faces going £11m over budget


The leadership of Slough BC should take ‘immediate action’ as the council is at risk of going £11m over budget this year, according to cabinet papers.

Quarter of councils spending 5% of budgets on temporary accommodation


One in four local councils in England spent 5% of their core budgets on temporary accommodation in 2022-23, new research has revealed.

Pembrokeshire buys housing stock worth £3.5m


Pembrokeshire County Council has spent more than £3.5m acquiring housing since November.

North Yorkshire aims to build 500 council homes


North Yorkshire Council has published its first housing strategy, which includes an ambition to build 500 council homes over five years.

Government waters down rough sleeping legislation


The Government has watered down plans to criminalise rough sleeping following a Tory backbench rebellion.

Tower Hamlets apologises after ‘gatekeeping’ finding


Tower Hamlets did not do enough to help a family threatened with eviction, an ombudsman has found.

Record 145,800 children live in temporary accommodation


There are 145,800 children who are homeless and in temporary accommodation, new government figures have shown.

MPs sign off indefinite delay to no-fault evictions ban


The Renters (Reform) Bill, which now includes an indefinite delay to the long-awaited ban on ‘no-fault’ evictions, passed its third reading in the Commons yesterday.

Over 84k households evicted since no-fault eviction ban promise


Over 84,000 households have faced homelessness due to being issued with a section 21 notice since the Government committed to ban no-fault evictions.

Councils face £332m youth homelessness shortfall


Local authorities in England are facing a £332m annual shortfall in youth homelessness funding, new research has revealed.

Proposed law could ease housing emergencies


Scottish councils may be required to assess the condition of private rented accommodation under a proposed law.

Young homeless people feel ‘ignored’ by councils


Young people experiencing homelessness feel ‘dismissed and ignored’ when they approach local authorities for help, research has found.

Leicester council to borrow £45m to buy property


Leicester councillors have agreed to borrow £45m to buy property to help the city council tackle the local housing crisis.

Call for reintroduction of housing targets


A cross-party coalition representing 27 mid-sized regional British cities has called for the next Government to reintroduce local housebuilding targets.

Hopes for regen scheme revived after Home Office scales back asylum plan


A £300m council-led regeneration scheme threatened when Whitehall commandeered the site for asylum accommodation could now go ahead.

Council apologises for failing to recognise abuse


The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea has apologised after failing to properly identify the abuse suffered by a homeless man.

Homelessness inquiry launched by NAO


The National Audit Office (NAO) has launched an inquiry into homelessness as the issue piles pressure on squeezed council budgets.

Crawley leaders warns of housing emergency


The leader of Crawley Council has called on the Government to ‘take decisive action’ to address the city’s housing emergency.

Call for ‘emergency action’ over rough sleeping spike


A homelessness charity has called for ‘emergency action’ over ‘out of control’ levels of rough sleeping in England.

London boroughs spend £3m a day on temporary accommodation


The cost of temporary accommodation in the capital ‘threatens to bankrupt boroughs’, London Councils has warned.

£220m boost for homelessness services


The Government has announced £220m for councils to prevent families from becoming homeless and provide support for people sleeping rough.

Eastbourne BC to vote on declaring housing emergency


Eastbourne BC, the local authority behind a recent Westminster summit on the temporary-accommodation crisis, will today vote on declaring a housing emergency.

Home Office 'chaos' leaves thousands of illegal arrivals in 'perma-backlog'


The Government’s struggling asylum policy has heaped significant demand on cities’ housing services, experts have warned.

Durham secures £6m to tackle homelessness


Durham County Council has successfully secured over £6m in funding to tackle homelessness.

Social housing investment could boost economy by over £50bn


Much more investment in the construction of social housing could boost the economy by a dramatic £51.2bn, according to a new analysis.

Ukrainian homelessness likely to rise


The risk of homelessness among Ukrainians in the UK is likely to increase as arrangements with sponsors end or break down, MPs have warned.

Prince William announces 24 homes for homeless people


Prince William has announced plans to build 24 homes to temporarily house homeless people on Duchy of Cornwall land.

Council chiefs call for review of Ukrainian refugee scheme


Council leaders have called for an urgent review of funding for Ukrainian refugees as 9,000 have reported as homeless and more need longer-term support.

Ealing agrees £150m package to buy up housing


Councillors in Ealing have approved a £150m plan to acquire housing in the face of soaring temporary accommodation costs.

The Temporary Housing Dilemma: a strategic approach


Darya Kolas, Partner & Head of Social Housing at Copping Joyce, discusses the temporary housing dilemma facing local authorities.

Scotland’s homelessness system 'at risk of failure'


Scotland’s homelessness system is on the brink of collapse, according to the country’s housing watchdog.

Rough sleeping in London reaches record high


More people were sleeping rough in the capital at the end of 2023 than at any period in the past decade.

Health boost for Housing First residents, research finds


Housing First – under which homeless people are guaranteed a home while they access support – reduces demand on health and social care services, study finds.

Two in five adults fear mounting housing pressures


Two in five people who pay housing costs in England are worried that pressures will get worse this year, new research has found.

Homelessness costs could spell ‘end of local government’


The increasing cost of homelessness could lead to more councils declaring effective bankruptcy and the ‘end of local government’, council leaders warn.

£17m to help rough sleepers for councils ‘most in need’


The Government has provided £17m to help homeless people off the streets as it insisted it would deliver its pledge to end rough sleeping this year.

Homelessness charities extend Crisis at Christmas service


National homelessness charities Crisis and St Mungo’s are teaming up for a third year to extend their hotel service in London into the new year.

Rural homelessness up 40%


Levels of homelessness in rural areas have increased by 40% over the last five years, research by a countryside charity has revealed.

Half of teachers work with homeless children


The ‘nightmare of child homelessness’ is damaging children’s education as they suffer exhaustion, hunger and poor mental health, Shelter has warned.

Boroughs have ‘nothing to offer’ as refugee homelessness rises


New research has found that an increasing number of refugees are rough sleeping in London after leaving Home Office accommodation.

Home Office admits 'more we can and need to do'


More needs to be done to share data and improve communications with councils, Home Office mandarins have admitted.

Nottingham issues section 114 notice


Cash-strapped Nottingham City Council has been forced to issue a section 114 notice after revealing it faces a significant in-year deficit.

Thousands of refugees face homelessness at Christmas, LGA warns


The Government’s push to clear the asylum backlog is putting ‘tens of thousands’ of refugees at risk of homelessness over Christmas, the Local Government Association (LGA) has warned.

MPs warn local services on ‘knife edge’


MPs have warned that key local services are on a ‘knife edge’ due to the poor financial health of councils in England.

DLUHC defends homelessness monitoring


Mandarins have denied they do not have a clear picture of homelessness levels among Ukrainian refugees.

Autumn Statement: Councils remain ‘chronically underfunded’


Support for private renters, devolution, and planning departments is welcome but councils remain ‘chronically underfunded’, council chiefs tell Chancellor.

Autumn Statement: Housing benefits unfrozen


Housing benefits for private renters are set to increase as Jeremy Hunt confirms the uprating of Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates in autumn statement.

New scheme to help London councils buy homes


London mayor Sadiq Khan has announced a programme that will fund councils to purchase homes from the private market.

West Yorkshire mayor unveils plan for 40,000 homes


West Yorkshire Mayor Tracy Brabin has unveiled plans to boost the number of houses in the region and to improve the quality of the area’s housing stock.

Homeless children left without care


Almost 6,500 16- and 17-year-olds presented as homeless to their local authority in England last year, according to new data.

Liverpool’s homelessness bill leaps from £250,000 to £19m


The leader of Liverpool City Council has called for urgent help as the local authority’s homelessness accommodation bill jumps from £250,000 to £19m.

Council admits hand in disposing of tents


Camden Council has admitted that it was involved in the disposal of homeless people’s tents in central London last week.

Call for 'urgent action on deepening housing crisis'


The council that increased new homes supply the most last year has urged the Government to take ‘urgent action’ on the ‘deepening housing crisis’.

Government urged to push through ‘no fault’ evictions ban


The chair of the levelling up, housing and communities (LUHC) committee has urged the Government to commit to a timetable for abolishing section 21 ‘no fault’ evictions.

Homelessness warning over LHA freeze


A maintained freeze on local housing allowance (LHA) rates could push 60,000 Londoners into homelessness over the next six years, according to new analysis.

‘Nothing for local government’ in King’s Speech


Councils have expressed disappointment that the King’s Speech offered no commitment to improving local government finances or furthering devolution.

Braverman wants to restrict homeless people’s use of tents


Home secretary Suella Braverman has said she wants to stop homeless people ‘causing noise and distress’ by pitching tents in public places.

DCN writes to Hunt over temporary accommodation pressures


Following a summit attended by 158 councils, the District Councils’ Network (DCN) has warned chancellor Jeremy Hunt about ‘unprecedented’ numbers of people turning to councils in the face of homelessness.

‘Tragic and shameful’ rough sleeping increase in London


City Hall had told the Government it must act to avoid ‘spiralling’ homelessness this winter after new data showed rising rough sleeping across the capital.

Emergency summit held amid temporary accommodation warnings


More than 150 councils this week attended an emergency summit as the cost of temporary accommodation to local authorities increases rapidly.

Public services ‘in a dire state’


No public services are performing better than before the pandemic and satisfaction with councils has dropped, a report has found.

Homelessness fears over asylum fast-tracking


The largest city councils in England and Scotland fear that Government plans to speed up asylum decisions will result in thousands of people facing homelessness.

Housing allowance freeze forcing more into homelessness, Government told


More people will be forced into homelessness unless a three-year freeze on housing rental benefits is ended, the Government has been warned.

Councils spend £1.7bn on temporary accommodation


Councils in England spent £1.7bn on temporary accommodation for homeless households last year, new government figures have revealed.

Affordable housing investment could save £1.5bn a year


Investing much more in social and affordable housing could save the Government an estimated £1.5bn a year, researchers at University College London estimate.

Government set to fail to meet rough sleeping target


The Government will fail to meet its target to end rough sleeping because of a ‘chronic shortage’ of affordable housing and support services, experts warn.

Welsh councils press for more housing support


The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) has called on the UK Government to prioritise housing and homelessness services.

How councils can avoid unnecessary housing placement endings


Why are there so many unnecessary housing placement endings? Ben Howarth, founder of Howarth Housing Group, looks at the reasons behind this issue.

Mandatory housing targets rejected


An amendment to the levelling up Bill for mandatory housebuilding targets has been rejected by the House of Lords.

Pressure mounts on councils amid refugee homelessness warning


Refugees are being told to move out of asylum support housing at short notice, adding to pressure faced by council homelessness services, 140 groups warn.

Eviction fears affecting older renters’ mental health


Every 16 minutes, a tenant aged over 55 is given two months to leave their home, according to Shelter.

EXCLUSIVE: Housing pressures may push councils into effective bankruptcy


Rising housing pressures will force some councils to effectively declare bankruptcy, a local authority chief executive with more than 40 years of experience in the sector has warned.

Homeless London families evicted as emergency housing deals end


More landlords are quitting the temporary accommodation sector in London, causing homeless families to be evicted from emergency housing.

Homeless families moved out of area at three times official rate


Councils are moving homeless families out of their neighbourhoods at three times the rate than has been officially recognised, FOI requests have revealed.

Fresh calls to raise local housing allowance


Calls have been made for ministers to increase local housing allowance (LHA) after research revealed 85% of English councils are facing a rise in homelessness.

Millions of renters a pay cheque away from losing home


More than two million private renters in England would be immediately unable to pay their rent if they lost their job, homelessness charity Shelter reveals.

One in 50 Londoners homeless as councils struggle with costs


London is facing an ‘unmanageable’ crisis, with one in 50 people in temporary accommodation and a forecast deficit of £2.5m across homelessness services.

Charity urges against Renters Bill delays as homelessness surges


Shelter has warned against delays to the Renters (Reform) Bill after figures revealed a record 80,000 households faced homelessness between January and March.

Education and children's services top complaints to Ombudsman


The Ombudsman’s annual complaints statistics have revealed education and children’s services as the key areas of concern, making up a quarter of the workload.

Councils told to 'step up' on refugee housing


The Government has told councils to ‘step up’ efforts to provide permanent homes for Afghan refugees, having served legal notices to quit to those in hotels.

Turn empty buildings into affordable housing, MPs say


APPGs have called on the Government to turn empty buildings into affordable housing, after they found repurposing properties could create thousands of homes.

Afghan families face homelessness as councils at ‘crisis point’


Afghan families are at risk of becoming homeless due to the acute housing shortage, council chiefs warn at the start of the LGA's annual conference.

London rough sleeping figures surge by over 20%


The number of people sleeping rough in the capital has risen dramatically by over 20% – an increase condemned as ‘categorically terrible’.

Prince William unveils campaign to tackle homelessness


Prince William is launching a campaign with the aim of ending long-term homelessness, which he says should not exist in a ‘modern and progressive society’.

Government risks missing target to end rough sleeping in England by next year, charities warn


Government risks missing target to end rough sleeping in England by next year, charities warn

Charity warns of backdoor ‘no fault’ evictions


Landlords will continue with ‘no fault’ evictions even after Section 21 evictions are banned if renters’ rights are not strengthened, charity warns.

Mental health care teams to support homeless launched


Fourteen towns with high rates of homelessness are set to benefit from new NHS mental health care teams, NHS England today announced.

Council chiefs call for ‘urgent solutions’ to refugee homelessness


Local authority leaders have called for ‘urgent solutions’ to the issue of refugees being forced to present as homeless.

Council not informed when homeless families relocated


A council in the North West was not told when several London councils sent vulnerable homeless families to live in temporary accommodation in its area.

London boroughs call for ‘emergency action’ on homelessness


Council leaders in London have called for emergency action to tackle homelessness which they warn is ‘spiralling out of control’.

Council staff respond to Sudan evacuation


Councils have been urged to ‘apply maximum flexibility’ when UK nationals returning from Sudan present as homeless.

More than 4,000 people die while homeless


More than 4,000 people have died while homeless in the UK since 2019, according to campaigners, many in unregulated taxpayer-funded ‘exempt’ accommodation.

Councils concerned over Afghan removal plan


Councils have expressed deep concerns about Government plans to remove Afghan refugees from hotel accommodation amid ‘chronic’ shortage of affordable housing.

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