Pembrokeshire County Council has spent more than £3.5m acquiring housing since November.
The Welsh authority’s cabinet received its biannual update on acquisitions and disposals of land and buildings above £100,000 yesterday.
A council report lists 16 acquisitions and one disposal for £170,000, a former pub in coastal town Fishguard which will be used by a housing association.
Pembrokeshire said it had utilised ‘significant’ grant funding made available for acquisitions by the Welsh Government over the past two years.
The local authority said it was facing serious housing challenges, including a ‘distinct shortage’ of affordable homes and rising homelessness, due in part to high numbers of second homes and holiday lets.
Its housing acquisition programme is seen as an immediate means of providing suitable homes for those on its housing register.
A further £4.9m has been allocated in Pembrokeshire’s housing revenue account business plan for the 2024-25 financial year.