Nottingham City Council has introduced spending controls as the authority attempts to rein in an overspend of more than £11m.
A report to senior councillors said the budget gap had been ‘largely driven by inflationary and cost of living pressures’.
The overspend is expected to reach £11.4m for 2022-23 - a 5% increase on the budget agreed at the start of the financial year.
Nottingham's greatest pressure is a £6.9m overspend on pay due to the flat £1,925 salary increase agreed nationally.
The council is also heading for a £4.5m overspend on adult social care and £2.4m due to budget savings now regarded as undeliverable.
Nottingham has now imposed spending controls for the remainder of 2022-23 in a bid to reduce the budget gap.
This article was originally published by The MJ (£).