North Somerset Council, which has warned it is at risk of serving a Section 114 notice, has launched a campaign calling for a ‘fairer’ funding deal for local authorities.
Increases in demand, coupled with higher costs and lower funding, have left North Somerset Council facing a £24m funding gap.
The local authority argues the financial challenge has been complicated by the way the Government allocates councils’ funding and lower than average council tax rates.
It says that North Somerset receives £50m less than other local areas.
Ahead of the Local Government Finance Settlement in December, the council has started a petition calling for a fairer funding deal.
‘We’re calling on you to s¬ign our petition and pledge your support, asking for a fairer deal that can protect services for our communities, helping keep North Somerset a great place to live, work and visit,’ said council leader Mike Bell.
‘Our petition – boosted by your signature - will be enclosed with a letter to government where we’ll set out why North Somerset needs a fairer deal and how the government can step up and help us avoid a Section 114.’