Three public sector unions have submitted a pay claim that calls for an above inflation 12.7% pay rise for council employees and school staff.
UNISON, GMB and Unite say a significant pay award is vital after years of local authority spending cuts and pay restraint.
In their submission to employers yesterday, the unions pointed out that staff working in local government have seen 25% wiped from the value of their pay since 2010.
The unions also argued that a wage rise exceeding inflation was the only way to recruit and retain staff at a time when the public sector is suffering a workforce crisis.
UNISON head of local government Mike Short said: ‘Council and school workers provide invaluable services. They keep communities safe, educate future generations and look after the most vulnerable.
‘But councils can’t function without staff. Many workers are struggling to make ends meet and unless they’re paid properly, more will quit for better paid work elsewhere.
‘Employers must make a decent pay offer. And the government needs to invest properly in the local government and school workforce to ensure important services are fit for the future.’
As The MJ reports, senior council officers this week also submitted an above-inflation pay claim for 2023-24.
The Association of Local Authority Chief Executives (ALACE) submitted a claim for the same basic pay rise of Retail Price Index (RPI) inflation, plus 2%.