District councils are leading the way in recycling waste, new Government figures suggest.
The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) says the top five recycling councils in the country are all districts.
The figures for 2021-22 show Three Rivers District Council in Hertfordshire is the highest recycler, with 63.5% of its household waste sent for recycling, reuse or composting.
The top three councils for having the lowest amount of waste which is not recycled or composted per household are all district councils.
DCN’s environment spokesperson is Sarah Nelmes, leader of Three Rivers District Council, said: ‘Across the country, district councils are leading the way in boosting recycling and we seek to work with the Government to devise local systems that further increase recycling and, equally importantly, reduce the level of waste overall.
‘The strongest recycling councils have used their knowledge of their local geography and the needs of their local community to devise the system which works best in their area, and we need to retain this local discretion for further success in future.’