A Sheffield man has been added to the Rogue Landlord Database and banned from letting or managing properties for 10 years.
Landlord and businessman Nilendu Das, of Carter Knowle Avenue, was added to the national database after repeatedly letting out hazardous properties.
It is the first time Sheffield City Council has applied for a banning order. The authority said the properties were ‘some of the most dangerous ever seen’ by its enforcement staff.
Issued on 21 August following a First-tier Tribunal decision in Manchester, the 10-year banning order is currently the longest in the country, the council has said.
Its housing committee chair, Cllr Douglas Johnson, said: ‘The length of Nilendu Das’ banning order reflects the seriousness of his actions and his flagrant disregard for fire safety and the safety of his tenants.
‘Mr Das has a long history of operating and managing extremely poor quality housing and has been prosecuted numerous times by the council.
‘This latest prosecution has come as a result of Mr Das’ continuation of the most severe housing offences.’