The Government has given the go-ahead for the expansion of a new licensing scheme across Redbridge to help the council improve conditions for private renters.
The scheme means that all privately rented properties in 14 wards in the borough of Redbridge will now need to be licensed and comply with conditions to ensure the property is safe and well managed.
Landlords operating in one of the 14 wards will also be responsible for ensuring that their tenants do not cause problems for neighbours.
The London council has experienced what it describes as a ‘marked’ increase in recent months in the number of tenants who have approached them for help after landlords have failed to carry out essential repairs.
Council leader Jas Athwal said: ‘This is a flagship policy and we are pleased that the Government agrees that it should be extended across the borough.
‘We are determined to crack down on rogue landlords and improve the housing conditions of often vulnerable people.
‘Our existing scheme is already driving up standards in the private rented sector and this expansion will further improve the lives of thousands of our residents.’