All 33 of London’s boroughs have now signed up to the capital’s ‘rogue landlord checker’ database, mayor says.
Sadiq Khan today announced his efforts to name and shame unscrupulous landlords had reached a ‘major milestone’ as all of the capital’s councils sign up to the Rogue Landlords and Letting Agents Checker.
The database, which was launched last December with the support of 10 boroughs, is a free online tool which allows Londoners to check if the landlord or letting agent of a rental property has been convicted of any housing offences.
London’s 32 boroughs and the City of London have all committed to submitting their records of successful prosecutions and fines to the Checker.
‘When I launched the Checker I made it clear unscrupulous landlords and agents would have nowhere to hide,’ said Mr Khan.
‘Now, with all local authorities signed up, we have reached an important milestone in protecting London’s renters.
‘The rental market in the capital is difficult enough to navigate without a small minority of rogue operators exploiting their tenants. This tool will empower Londoners to make an informed choice about where to live.
‘I’m extremely grateful for the support of all the local authorities and other bodies which have signed up to contribute their records to the database.
‘I’m confident this will be a major step in tackling unscrupulous and illegal practices in the rented sector.’