Government plans to stop landlords from being able to carry out ‘no fault’ evictions will encourage anti-social behaviour, landlords claim.
Chief executive of the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA), Ben Beadle, has warned MPs on the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Select Committee against the Government’s plans to scrap Section 21 evictions.
The latest data shows that around a third (32%) of landlords asking a tenant to leave a property had done so because their tenant had engaged in anti-social behaviour.
The NRLA said that landlords could not rely on local authorities to help with anti-social tenants.
A survey of almost 3,500 landlords and letting agents by the NRLA has also found that of those who had served a notice to a tenant due to anti-social behaviour, 84% had received no assistance from their local authority. 75% said they had received no help from the police.
Mr Beadle said: ‘Anti-social behaviour blights the lives of fellow tenants, neighbours, and communities alike. It is vital that it is tackled swiftly wherever it is found.
‘The Government’s proposals simply do not achieve this, and we are calling on new Ministers to look again at the plans. Without change the reforms will become a charter for anti-social behaviour.’