Social housing tenants in seven cities are to be offered a place on a Government-funded training scheme aimed at helping them hold their landlords to account.
Launched today, the £500,000-backed Four Million Homes programme will offer free advice on addressing damp and mould, accessing the Housing Ombudsman service, and will give guidance on how to complain about anti-social behaviour.
The scheme, which will be held in seven cities including Newcastle, Liverpool, Birmingham and London, will also encourage tenants to take an active role in how their homes are managed, with advice on how to set up a residents’ panel.
Minister for social housing Baroness Scott said: ‘Tenants deserve better and this training programme will help people up and down the country demand a high-quality service from their landlord.’
CCH chief executive officer, Blase Lambert, said: ‘All social housing residents need to understand their rights, know how to raise issues with their landlords and hold them to account, and be able to shape and improve the services they receive and the homes they live in. This training programme will do that.’