Providers of social housing who fail to deliver decent accommodation will be called out as part of reforms to give residents a stronger voice and drive up standards, the Government announced today.
The reforms mean that social landlords providing sub-standard housing and services will be publicly called out on the Government’s website and across social media channels.
The reforms also include a Resident Panel that will allow 250 social tenants from across England to be heard directly by the Government.
‘Everyone in this country deserves to live in a safe and decent home. It is unacceptable that anyone should have mould covering their walls, risk slipping on a wet floor or have water dripping from the ceiling,’ said the minister for social housing Eddies Hughes MP.
‘We have published draft legislation today to toughen up regulation of social housing landlords. This includes naming and shaming those landlords who fail to meet acceptable living standards and giving tenants a direct channel to raise their concerns with Government.’