Local authorities are set to receive their share of a £654m funding package aimed at tackling homelessness over the next two years.
The Homelessness Prevention Grant will be used to provide temporary accommodation for families, help individuals at risk of becoming homeless pay deposits for new homes, and mediate with landlords to avoid evictions.
Around £24m of the funding will help councils support homeless domestic abuse victims.
Minister for housing and homelessness, Felicity Buchan, said: ‘Everyone should have a safe and secure home. This Government is determined to prevent homelessness and to get vulnerable families and individuals the support they need.
‘Whether it’s emergency housing, support to pay a deposit, or mediation to prevent eviction, today’s package will provide help to those who need it the most at the discretion of those who know them best.’
The latest figures for England show there are a total of 120,710 dependent homeless children living in temporary accommodation, with 2,320 of these in bed and breakfasts.
Responding to the announcement, Cllr Darren Rodwell, London Councils’ executive member for Regeneration, Housing & Planning, said: 'The grim reality is that far too many Londoners will be homeless this Christmas and borough homelessness services will be under massive pressure for the foreseeable future.
'We’re pleased the government has listened to our concerns and will ensure no council receives reduced homelessness funding for the next two years.
'But there’s still so much more that needs to be done if we’re to reduce homelessness and achieve our shared vision of ending homelessness altogether. Long-term funding assurances and the closest possible partnership between central and local government is crucial. We’ll continue to work with ministers and seek faster progress on this challenge in 2023.'