Renfrewshire Council has been urged to develop a financial plan after its miscalculation over school places was estimated to cost £60m to fix.
Public spending watchdog Audit Scotland also said concerns remained about a ‘lack of transparency’ over the potential impacts of the error on the council’s finances and services.
An independent review previously found ‘fundamental and obvious flaws’ in how Renfrewshire calculated the number of primary school places needed for Dargavel, leaving the village short of hundreds of places.
A new report by the Accounts Commission said the local authority had shown a clear commitment to engaging with communities but needed to ‘act on the breadth and strength of views’.
The watchdog's deputy chair, Andrew Burns, said councillors should have access to appropriate training and development ‘to ensure historic failures of leadership and governance’ were not repeated.
A council spokesperson said the impact of the additional costs were considered in ongoing financial planning and had been factored into planned borrowing.
The spokesperson added: ‘We have always provided an extensive programme of support for elected members to allow them to carry out their duties and will consider if there are any opportunities for this to be further strengthened.’