Crisis-torn Thurrock Council is planning to save money by not filling some job vacancies.
The Conservative-controlled Essex council has a £469m funding black hole and is discussing a rescue package with the Government.
Now councillors have been asked to approve a decision not to fill the existing vacancies in its housing revenue account team.
The authority has also proposed raising rents for social housing tenants by 7%.
Thurrock issued a section 114 notice in December, effectively declaring itself bankrupt, following a series of failed investments.
A report to the local authority's housing overview and scrutiny committee says there are a number of vacant posts which would cause minimum disruption to key front line services and would eliminate the need for any redundancies.
The report also recommends councillors to approve a plan to halve its £634,000 ‘assisted decorating programme’ budget.
The leader of the council’s Labour group, John Kent, said the increase in rents and service charges was a ‘double whammy’ for tenants and the measures were the ‘face of things to come from a council that is bankrupt’.