Landlords have welcomed a proposal by peers that they should be given tax incentives to improve their properties in seaside towns.
The House of Lords select committee on regenerating seaside towns said a package of strategic initiatives and interventions was needed to enable national and local government to work together on issues such as transport, housing, post-school education and high-speed broadband.
It said limited access to education, particularly to further and higher education institutions, was severely curtailing opportunities and denting aspirations for young people in some coastal areas.
The Government needs to facilitate partnership working between the FE and HE sectors, and local business and industry, in coastal and other isolated areas, the report added.
The committee recommends the introduction of 'stronger incentives for private landlords to improve the quality and design of their properties... this might include tax relief for making improvements to properties.'
John Stewart, policy manager for the Residential Landlords Association, said: 'We welcome the recognition this report gives to supporting landlords to invest in raising the standard of housing for their tenants.
'We call on the Government to accept this proposal.'