Falkirk Council has signed a growth deal that could see £1bn worth of future investment in the area and the creation of up to 2000 jobs.
The council and the UK and Scottish governments have signed the Heads of Terms agreement for the Falkirk Growth Deal.
The agreement means 11 projects can now use a total of £80m investment from UK and Scottish governments, £45m from Falkirk Council, and £5.8m from Scottish Canals to create an Investment Zone for Falkirk and Grangemouth.
The deal will be signed by Scottish government economy secretary Kate Forbes, UK Government minister Iain Stewart and leader of Falkirk Council, Cecil Meiklejohn.
Cllr Cecil Meiklejohn commented: ‘This investment by the UK and Scottish governments will bring a massive economic boost to the local area and has the potential to create up to 2000 jobs and attract £1bn of private sector investment.
‘A lot of hard work has gone into securing this deal, which will help us deliver on our council priorities and our Council of the Future transformation programme.’