A place-based partnership involving Surrey County Council and Spelthorne Borough Council has secured £399,000 for a new culture hub.
The funding from Arts Council England will support a two-year project based at a new library, the Staines Culture Hub, with the aim of boosting local arts provision and bridging the gap between creative education and employment.
Top-up funding, including from the two councils, brings the project value above £500,000.
Young people will be offered experience in leadership, event production, and arts programming, as well as creative taster sessions.
Surveys by Spelthorne Borough Council and a local youth club found 69% of children in the area would do more arts activity if it was available.
Surrey’s cabinet member for customer and communities, Denise Turner-Stewart, said she hoped the hub would inspire young people to work in the arts.
Cllr Turner-Stewart added: ‘There is a strong appetite locally for this wonderful cultural offer and the opportunities, pleasure and joy that this project will bring to the young people of Spelthorne.’