The communities secretary has announced he is considering establishing a specialist housing court to deal with disputes between landlords and tenants.
If created, the court would provide a single path of redress for both landlords and tenants, said James Brokenshire MP when unveiling the proposal.
‘Everyone deserves to live in a safe and decent home, and this government is bringing about real change in making renting more secure,’ Mr Brokenshire said.
‘This is particularly important for families and vulnerable tenants who live with the fear of suddenly being forced to move, or fear eviction if they complain about problems with their home.
‘It is also important for landlords who, in a minority of cases, struggle to get their property back when they have reason to do so.
‘The proposals announced today will help ensure both tenants and landlords can access justice when they need it – creating a fair housing market that works for everyone.’
Other proposals include reducing the need for multiple hearings in different courts and issuing new guidance to help tenants and landlords navigate their way through the legal system.
The Government has published a call for evidence looking at the proposals.