A £3m fund has been created to boost cultural venues in Bradford in the run up to its celebrations as City of Culture in 2025.
A year after the award was made to the city the team set up to deliver the celebration has announced a series of projects to boost the district’s ‘cultural offer’.
They say venues in the city could be brought back into use or new ones created with the funds.
The fund will allow local groups and organisations to fund works to buildings in the district, allowing them to be used as cultural venues in the run-up to, and during the City of Culture year.
There will be two grant schemes – a small-scale one of up to £5,000 each and a larger-scale one for a minimum of £50,000.
An architectural competition has been launched to design and develop a temporary touring venue that could be set up at different locations such as parks and fields across the district, bringing a cultural venue with a capacity of around 400 to areas that may not have any existing provision.
Dan Bates, City of Culture director, said: ‘We want to support the cultural infrastructure across the District.
‘We want to be able to use all the venues we can, as well as creating more of them. Money might go to a building that has no public access.’
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