Tackling anti-social behaviour must become a central tenet of levelling up if the agenda is to succeed, a think-tank has warned.
A report by centre-right Onward published today also urged action to reinvigorate high streets, boost private sector growth, support sport and heritage, and provide community-based support to the most disadvantaged.
Onward’s priorities were identified through detailed research across Oldham, South Shields, Walsall, Clacton-on-Sea and Barry.
The report read: ‘In every area, these common challenges had particular characteristics and were a blocker to levelling up to differing degrees.
Deputy director of Onward, Adam Hawksbee, said: ‘Anti-social behaviour should be a top priority in levelling up local areas.
'Without people feeling safe on the streets, efforts to boost economic growth and unlock opportunity will be wasted.’
This article was originally published by The MJ (£)