An investigation by the social housing regulator has confirmed that ‘significant improvement is needed’ in Portsmouth City Council’s housing service.
The Regulator of Social Housing has issued a C3 grading to the local authority after the council made a self-referral in September 2024.
The regulator’s investigation found over 1,000 outstanding fire remedial actions and a lack of clarity for tenants regarding the repairs service.
Over 85% of Portsmouth CC’s homes have also not had an electrical condition test for over five years and less than 40% of its homes had been surveyed within the last five years.
Kate Dodsworth, chief of regulatory engagement at?RSH, welcomed the council’s ‘transparency’ in making a self-referral and said the authority had engaged ‘constructively’.
Cllr Darren Sanders, cabinet member for Housing and Tackling Homelessness, said: ‘We knew there was room for improvement to meet the new regulator standards. That's why we referred ourselves and have publicised this to our tenants and other stakeholders. We welcome and accept the findings of the regulator and will work constructively and proactively with them and our tenants on those areas they have identified.’