Blackburn with Darwen Council has published a £250m draft plan for developing Blackburn town centre over the next decade.
The new framework, which has been led by BDP Architects, sets out proposals for bringing forward development sites, with the council anticipating up to 500 town centre homes and 1,000 new jobs linked to the development of a new business district.
‘This masterplan shows that the Council is forward-thinking with its place making agenda and I am pleased to confirm we are already speaking to a number of partners about delivering the different schemes outlined in this blueprint, which we are confident we will be able to provide further information in the new year,’ said Cllr Phil Riley, the council’s executive member for Growth & Development.
‘Although our plans are ambitious we are confident that this is an achievable vision that brings forward development proposals for our strategic town centre sites that will be a game-changer in terms of transforming the centre of Blackburn.’
The concept masterplan includes providing purpose-built business and technology workspace for low carbon, green, and renewable industries as part of a new town centre business district.
It also includes providing low carbon town centre living in close proximity to services, retail, and workspace, and implementing the roll-out of 5G in the town centre.
Cllr Riley added: ‘It’s fair to say that town centres across the country continue to face tough economic challenges as a result of the pandemic.
‘We are realistic that any plans prepared now may need to flex and change over the years ahead to reflect future trading conditions and market opportunities. The council has a powerful role to play in driving the pace and scale of change that is required by providing strong leadership and actively engaging with potential new occupiers and investors.’