Ministers have been urged to return full powers back to Rotherham Council, after an independent report found 'impressive' improvements across the authority.
Three government-appointed commissioners took control of the council in 2015, after a number of serious failings were identified.
An Independent Health Check has now recommended control is given back to the council.
The Independent Health Check Team found: ‘The council’s governance, decision-making and organisational culture is being transformed and is already much improved. The speed and extent of the improvements delivered since 2015 are impressive.’
Leader of the council, Cllr Chris Read, added: ‘The Health Check report confirms our view that the council is on the right track, we have seen significant improvements over the last three years, and whilst we continue to face the same challenges as many other local authorities we are now in a strong position to move on from Commissioner intervention.’
Lead commissioner Mary Ney said they were confident the council could continue to make good progress.