Thousands of disadvantaged people are to be helped back into work under new pilot schemes being delivered by six combined authorities.
The pilot schemes will provide specialist support to more than 18,000 people to tackle the long-term barriers to gaining employment and in-work progression.
Secretary of state for communities and local government, Sajid Javid, said: ‘As part of the devolution revolution we’ve handed swathes of power and significant investment to help boost jobs and growth across the country.
‘Now we’re going even further to support six areas with devolution deals by working with the new combined authority mayors to pilot innovative employment schemes.
‘These pilots will trial new approaches to help the most disadvantaged people in our society to get the security of a good job and a regular pay packet, helping to build a country that works for everyone.’
The schemes include a new Health and Care Sector Progression Academy to train social care workers in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, a business-led training hub in the Tees Valley, and an ‘early intervention’ scheme in Sheffield to prevent people from long-term unemployment.