A string of new transport and infrastructure proposals have been unveiled by the new mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough in his 100-day manifesto.
Conservative James Palmer pledged to deliver more than 500 apprenticeships and launch plans for a new ‘apprenticeship hub’.
He said within the first three months he would also announce the first wave of new affordable homes across the county and kickstart a Cambridgeshire and Peterborough investment fund.
He said: ‘The aim is to get as much affordable housing as we can on each development. We’ve got leverage money here.
‘It’s not my job to tell other councils where they should put houses, it’s my job to try to make sure we get as many as possible.’
Mayor Palmer named Peterborough City Council leader John Holdich as one of his two deputy mayors.
Cllr Holdich later told reporters that a fully-fledged university in Peterborough would be ready in the next four years.