Scotland’s largest city is likely to ‘reap benefits’ worth £150m thanks to the millions the Government has invested into the city’s digital infrastructure and open data.
It is estimated Glasgow will possibly make substantial sums thanks to the £24m of Innovate UK funding that has been invested since 2013 into projects designed to transform Glasgow into ‘a world-leading smart city’.
Innovate UK is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.
The projects included an intelligent street lighting demonstrator, which showed how the city could use smarter streetlights to improve lighting quality, reduce energy usage and make maintenance more efficient.
There was also an energy efficiency demonstrator. This pilot scheme showed how obtaining increasingly accurate information could help inspire ways to cut emissions, reduce overheads and address issues of fuel poverty.
‘This fantastic return on investment demonstrates that targeted funding from the UK Government can lead to great results, benefiting businesses, visitors and communities,’ said Scottish secretary David Mundell.
‘Projects funded through this program demonstrate the innovative ways that modern technology and data can be used to make a tangible difference to the lives of people in cities across the world.’