Local councils have been awarded £15m to help ease the pressures on local services caused by recent migration.
Communities secretary Sajid Javid said the funding will supplement local authorities’ budgets, and will help reduce the impact of migration on local communities.
‘Migration brings great benefits to this country but, in some places, significant population changes in a short space of time have put pressures on public services,’ said Mr Javid.
‘This new funding will help councils rise to the challenge of reducing the impact of migration on local communities in a variety of ways – whether that’s tackling the small minority of rogue landlords who damage neighbourhoods with overcrowded properties, providing English language classes to ensure effective integration rather than reliance on translation services, or boosting the number of teaching assistants in schools to ensure all children get excellent teaching.’
The proposals drawn up by the successful councils include plans to tackle rogue landlords taking advantage of migrants, and plans to deliver additional English language lessons.
Some councils have also been awarded funding to research the impact of migration in their local area to help plan future service provision.
These grants are the first allocations from the Controlling Migration Fund (CMF).