A repair bill to deal with vandalism at schools and other public buildings totalling nearly £500,000 has been branded as ‘disappointing’ by Aberdeen City Council.
Figures obtained by Scottish Conservatives reveal it took 9,000 hours to repair the damage carried out over three years.
The combined figure for the city and Aberdeenshire councils totalled more than £1m over the last five years.
It means the two local authorities spent more on repairing vandalism repairs than on libraries and offices combined, at a time when they are facing financial pressures.
One school alone, Northfield Academy, accounted for £33,000 of the costs.
Tory MP for West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine Andrew Bowie said: ‘Our councils need every penny they can get to provide adequate public services.
‘These eye-watering sums should be spent on enhancing schools, parks and libraries instead of patching them up.’
An Aberdeen City Council spokesperson said: ‘It’s disappointing that taxpayers’ money has to be spent repairing damage caused to our schools by vandals.
‘Schools continue to work with communities to foster a sense of civic pride in their area including looking after our school buildings and playgrounds.’